As a gay person, thank you for doing what you did despite great personal risk. We need more like you <3
As a gay person, thank you for doing what you did despite great personal risk. We need more like you <3
Dude, Heather :( I usually applaud your responses on Jez, but this is waaaaaay defensive and mean-spirited, especially the comment to Corggirl. She's not guaranteed to regain, but people taking little chunks out of her self esteem as she goes along may be the one thing too many that kicks her back into the place she…
Bottoms up, yo.
Gurl. If s/he wasn't going to stay before they thought you were pregnant.... #letgo
Saucy side-eye once a year will more than suffice. #wehavespoken
I will now insist that everyone refer to me as "Goodly Dyke" for the rest of the day. Thank you.
Pfff. "Once you pick that's it". What a bullshit thing to say. Big fat dyke-face here. You're still in the club.
'Tis indeed!
Love you back
Word. Also I just discovered the phrase "full face o' slap" this year and I have no idea how I've gone without it for 28 goddamn years.
#nomakeup #sexybetch
I don't know. I wear makeup damn near every day. I used to need it. Wouldn't leave the house without it. Now I've pretty much gotten to a point where I can do without it unless I'm going out and being
That's actually how I got cast in our department's production of Cabaret! I have an okay set of pipes but dancing is NOT my thing, and I showed up to the dance audition in fishnets. The director later told me that's why he cast me :D
But yea, I've never seen so much flagrant boob-and-dong flashing than in the dressing…
Sometimes there's only so much you can do. I'm average and my sister is a size 0, and I know that she has eating issues. My mom drops little hints about my sister eating too much or the wrong kinds of things on occasion, and I've tried everything from calmly explaining why that's neither necessary nor kind to bitingly…
I was JUST going to say. As a theatre kid, I have never met another group more guilty of totally shameless wanton sluttery.
You are hereby cordially invited to get the fuck over yourself. As others have stated in this thread, if a naked tit is causing you anguish, then you need to find yourself some actual problems.
Don't get me wrong, love me some corn. I'd just like to eat something other than raw vegetables that's not made from corn. Or contains something derived from corn. Or is fed entirely by corn and shouldn't be eating corn. COOOOORN. (Edited for typo)
Corn. In fucking everything. SO much corn.
Americans don't know about them because we are one of the most self-centered and self-congratulatory yet culturally barren nations on the planet. I say this as an American. I grew up as a victim of the Philadelphia public school system, and even our World History classes seem only to focus on other countries and…