
God fucking bless you <3.

Soooo, that's NOT the chick from Tangled?

"Where the hell did you infer my opinions on abortion?"
Probably the same place literally everyone else on this thread did: from your smug, self-righteous, and clearly baiting replies. You're asking why women get abortions, and not in a respectful, genuinely curious way. That's, quite frankly, none of your business.


"Just because I don't have skin in the game doesn't mean I don't have a right to ask questions."
I take that to mean that no, you haven't offered to adopt any unwanted children, or contribute financially to anyone's upbringing. Figured as much. I also hope that since your hatred of abortion is so virulent that you're

"I'd like to see some evidence of that, just like how you asked for evidence about my wildly false assertion."
Not only did I ask for evidence that you failed to provide, I also provided evidence directly contradicting your ham-fisted and made up assertions.

Again, these people don't owe you anything, and I'm not the

I'm a gay woman, have no intention of having children, cannot get pregnant with my partner even if I wanted to, and I STILL get psychotically rage-y when it comes to abortion. The nerve people have when it comes to the topic of other people's abortions is mind-blowing to me. AND they'll be the first ones railing about

You're SO my fucking hero for this, I cannot even.

And I'm sure they'd dearly love to tell you to fuck off and mind your own goddamned business. Why you feel you're owed a list of reasons by women you've never met regarding children you'd never care for and to whose care you would never financially contribute is beyond me.

....well if it's a "huge blackhole", as you say, I'm not sure why you're using the phrase "can feel pain at 12" with such confidence.

Here's an actual study that states that it is highly unlikely for a fetus to feel pain before the third trimester, around 28 weeks:

"As I've stated, Fetus' have motor functions at 8 weeks and can feel pain at 12. The ability to feel pain is a pretty big argument animal rights groups use when protesting animal testing, humans are animals yadayadayada."

Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is a bona fide case of Corpse Face.

*Actively fucking with someone for your own amusement like a shithead sociopath. Fixed that for you. Continue your hand-wringing on behalf of terrible people, though, whatever would humanity do without you.

He's alive, and not in prison. People who want a good quality of life should refrain from doing morally reprehensible shit.

What is your purpose, exactly? Do you think you're doing GOOD by writing people like this a free pass? Would you have everyone not necessarily cheer lead for it, but shrug it off? Isn't that what

"Sheltered white taint-scraper."

If OJ can make it through, these little shitheads will, too.

In the words of Robin Williams: "Girl you don't gotta dress like a mothafuckin' beekeeper."

Sometimes it's just HOT, GODDAMNIT.

I took it to mean that by severely restricting one's calorie intake to the point of starvation, every single person has the capability to be skinny. Simple (but kinda horrible) evidence to support her "move more, eat less, lose weight" argument.

On the other hand, of course calories matter— if people eating LESS and gaining weight were a thing, there wouldn't be any starving people in Africa (btw, I didn't take that Auschwitz comment to be "I'd rather die than be fat" just "when people are in true deprivation conditions, everyone is thin, so calories must

...right, but that was not said in a vacuum. Her point, as I took it, is that if one restricts enough, ANYONE can be thin. It just takes DEDICATION, GUYS, GOD. That is a sick, sick mindset. One should not be doing anything possible in order to be thin.