
So they think they're above the law! Fantastic! They're not. They absolutely are not. That's not the "best" way to deal with the situation just because that's the way the Catholic church happened to deal with it. The best way to deal with the situation would be to get the bastards behind bars immediately.

For somebody pretending to know dick about logical arguments you sure do seem to love you a straw man. Child abuse has been classified as a crime for long enough that these men have absolutely no excuse for failing to report this information to police. I'm now about 90% sure that you're not trolling and that you're

The abuse is almost never reported to the authorities, like actual police. They shouldn't get the luxury of a brand new parish, they should get jail time. Every single offender that informs his order that he has touched a child should be behind bars. You are just, the worst kind of person.

Excellent non-rebuttal! Moving on.

"im not saying you're all hypocrites...I am trying to figure out where the line is and that is all. I dont read all the articles or comments hence why i was asking."

Is that a Rule of Feminism? Help me out guys, I perioded all over my handbook and can't read a damn thing.

Not to sound like a total hipster douche, but my fiancee got my ring from a lady who runs her own small jewelry business on Etsy, and I think she paid less than $400. It's white gold and has the tree of life etched into it. I'm not big on diamonds, though (not knowing where they come from, and all that), so it really

No problem. Nothing quite so annoying as a condescending moron (him/her, not you :P).

His/her opinion is based in logic and social ethics. Conservatives claim that gay marriage "invalidates" straight marriage somehow. It doesn't. No heterosexual persons marriage has ever been harmed by a gay person getting married. It affects absolutely no one, in any way, shape, or form, except the gay people, who are

Keep on kickin' ass, my man.

Total pulling this from the armchair lawyers of le internet, but word on the street has it that it's very difficult to keep celebrities in jail, as they have to have private accommodations and special arrangements to keep them from getting shanked. It's a big pain in the ass for the prison system, apparently.


I'm NOT saying over-exercise is okay, there should absolutely be balance in everything you do, but while I wouldn't call myself depressed enough for meds, I did have...a residual sadness? It was kind of just this niggling down feeling/fatigue that I couldn't seem to shake, no matter how good/bad my life was at the

Get a real job, you fucking butt barnacle.

God bless you AND Tim Minchin.

I can't marry my fiancee in part because of the hearty endorsement of blatant discrimination by this motherfucker, so pardon me if I give ZERO fucks if his popey little fee fees get hurt.

....you know it's things like this that make me realize what a total idiot I am. I have a reusable bottle that I take everywhere, but it DOES leak sometimes, and sometimes I forget it, etc., and it's never occurred to me once to have more than one at the various locations at which I might need one. Thanks for the idea.

You win 500 Internets.


The one with the horse head probably made you look like a badass Bond villian