It wasn’t when I did it as a minor, with parental consent, in Texas. And as an attorney I’m almost positive the only reason(s) a judge would deny a name change is if the petitioner is avoiding debt or attempting to commit fraud.
It wasn’t when I did it as a minor, with parental consent, in Texas. And as an attorney I’m almost positive the only reason(s) a judge would deny a name change is if the petitioner is avoiding debt or attempting to commit fraud.
Thank you for ‘horselet.’
Can directly confirm: Brad Furman is in fact a douchebag.
If your professional bodyguards are complaining about being put in toxic situations, you really need to rethink your life choices.
Okay wait - so, I’m not clear. Is this a fat pooch on your lower abdomen? Or is it a layer of fat over the pubic bone/vulva/mons pubis?
Dude, No. Just no. You’re worried about your personal safety, and you’re wondering if you should continue this relationship? Tell her it is over, block her in every possible way. There are millions of wonderful, available women out there. She is not one of them.
That right there is brilliant.
My cats were: Sam, Ralph, Noah, and Mr. Smith.
My cats were: Sam, Noah, and Mr. Smith.
Yeah completely off-topic, but - This week I was looking over the self-submitted profiles of folks who attended my high school reunion (PoDunk Texas, class of 83, I did not attend). Every. Single. Woman. = “Proud wife and mother, also whatever else”. Never on any man’s profile was there an indication of “Proud husband…
Ha! I’m an environmental attorney and I work on wildlife issues. I’m all about ecology, the interconnectedness of species, how spiders play a key role in their habitat and...NOPE.
Rogen’s position is as an executive producer, not a line or associate producer. The actual producers - the positions you are thinking of, the ones who run the day-to-day - are way, WAY below Rogen’s.
I do have some experience with this (10 years in production) and basically, stand-ins and extras are (in the words of my production head), “props we have to feed.”
I do have some experience with this (10 years in production) and basically, stand-ins and extras are (in the words of my production head), “props we have to feed.”
I do have some experience with this (10 years in production) and basically, stand-ins and extras are (in the words of my production head), “props we have to feed.”
“Less Than $10 Million to His Name”
My kitty Noah loved to be cradled like a baby. He’d stand up on his back legs and tug at me until I picked him up. If I tried to put him down too soon, he’d wrap his paws around my neck.
I read that as ‘flower cock’, and was afraid to scroll down to the picture.
I think the chicken’s expression in the featured picture says it all.
Chose love or nation, Ilsa.