
Didn’t we suffer enough when we had to tolerate the bad writing and worse commentary on “Shallow Hal”? That one-note, thoughtless movie came out in 2001. SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO.

I take your point, but what is the alternative? The silence of resignation?

That makes sense - I had not looked at it that way. Thank you for the thoughtful reply.

Could you elaborate? Are you saying:

Got a typo up front there, Panama: “Amensty International” in the opening sentence. Sorry to be THAT PERSON. (When I make a typo, I appreciate it pointed out. If I’m being rude, just ignore.)

1. Consistent voting patterns by minorities, in and around badly-drawn districts, are the strongest facts that can influence courts to rule for redistricting/dismantling gerrymandering.

That made me laugh right out. Thank you.

Good point.

It was described as ‘palliative care’ on NPR, for what that’s worth.

Yeah. Asshole, was what that was.

I’m curious to know why this is (surprising) news.

Okay I was about to comment along the lines of Who gives a fuck and/or Don’t you have anything more pressing to write about?

I’m pretty sure the headliner counts, always. Otherwise there would not be, you know, a HEADLINER.

Your comment is more precise, illuminating, and contains more context than the article.

Major Nope to the basement renting!

Please look up CaptainAwkward.com . She offers exceptionally kind and supportive advice, and scripts you can use to establish and maintain boundaries. Her archives are very easy to search, and the commentariat is awesome.


I liked 11 and 13. 12 had some serious plot/editing holes. I think I liked them because they were elaborate capers. Kind of throwback to the original Mission:Impossible tv series. I liked the pieces coming together, the twists, etc. in a harmless popcorn-movie kind of way. But can see why they’d rub someone else the

Shareholders have the right to sue a Board if they can show the Board has neglected and/or abused their fiduciary duty to the shareholders. If the bonus structure proves to have been against IRS rules, the corporation can be in a lot of trouble. That in turn could negatively effect the stock price, result in assets

If it can be shown that the Netflix BoD manipulated and/or broke IRS regulations, then that is a breach of their fiduciary responsibility to shareholders (defrauding the government could get assets seized, etc., and would make the stock tank). So that’s the basis for the action, and shareholders have a right to sue