
Or you could buy Doguet’s Roux, from my hometown of Beaumont Texas:

This needs more stars. I still giggle over that whole thing.

Oh honey, I am so sorry.

Thank you! When I lived in NYC, the norm was to split evenly between everyone at the table - and I couldn’t afford to subsidize other people’s meals. I was lucky I could afford to go out at all! If a order a soda and a salad that’s probably all I have money for...

Man what is UP with this dude (Hero)? You’d think splitting checks was an issue on par with international geopolitics.

Yeah I’d echo that, separate checks is the norm in my home state (Texas), whereas when I lived in NYC, the total tab was split evenly between the diners. Which - sorry HeroOfTomorrow - was a burden to the poorer people at the table! I’d order a soda and a salad because that was all I could afford, but then end up

That all looks delicious and I love that serving platter!

You could be right. It’s confusing times, dude!

I would have said before, but on second thought...both?

Eric is truly, horrifyingly unattractive. He looks like a test prop for the Nazi who melts down at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.



Also, What Women Want.

This is all true, but...she does get Pierce Brosnan, which is a nothing to sneeze at. :)

Oh, Knocked Up blew and blew HARD.

Well I mean...she wasn’t wrong.

Well done.

I like the new layout subsection with the button visuals and the call out quotes.

Yeah that’s a spot on take - I think this is going to be a role she can really shine in, and I can leave behind the “UGH Bridesmaids!” distaste. Thanks!

Fair enough! I liked some of her scenes in Bridesmaids. Maybe it was the movie in general that put me off her in particular, which is short sighted. Thanks!