
You are not a crummy human. You looked at the relationship, what both of you offer, and you found it wanting. This is not a comment on your worth or his.

You are not the jerk here.

Everyone has SOMETHING that makes them ‘less than ideal’ so I would try not to look at your mental health issues that way.

Ooh! I was asked to speak at my bestie’s wedding too, and what I wrote really went over well!

Blackies are the best! Have you named him yet?

If you’re coming from a time zone that means you’ll have some jet lag, I’d get to Seattle a day or two early. Also, Seattle itself is worth seeing and if you get there during a weekday you won’t be fighting the eleventy billion cruise tourists that show up on the weekends.

Anything by Jonathan Franzen and/or David Foster Wallace. Could not get through the first chapter of any of their works.

I think she’s making sure the girls check in with others, and letting them know that they can always stay with her if they need somewhere to go. Like, her house is a safe place kind of thing.

I think the author was making a punny.

Good luck Lisa Marie. You’re going to need it. Good lord, what a fool.

As I said to Dirt:

Well, I grew up in Texas and I remember the sweet independent days of Governor Anne Richards.... and it’s become more and more back-assed as the decades have passed. I can’t see it turning blue any time soon. Short of Austin and pockets of Dallas, Texas is full of proudly uneducated racists who also hate women.

The teeth really make it.

You would have a stronger argument if this post was on a website dedicated to music. This is a gossipy post on a gossipy website, so.

You’re thinking of Roseanne Barr, not Rosie O’Donnell.

You forgot to include him making the statement while stroking a white Persian cat.

I love this gif.

Yeah I hate ‘shipping’ too. Another trend is referring to (traditionally) pairs in the singular, like ‘shoe’ and ‘pant’. “The shoe is not working with the pant but overall she looks fabulous!”

This is a true fact.

I am so glad you mentioned this, I did not know this! I have newly-acquired dietary restrictions and the more options for vitamin D I can find, the better. Thanks!