
A shit ton of people probably.

He overcharged and is in fact wasted.

Honey, I Shrunk Paul Rudd

Now playing

It's kinda been done. Of course the other Drake could NEVER EVER come on par with Nathan! There is quite a few of them actually! LMAO

Now playing

Really, it's just about walking forward in an elegant manner.

They didn't read the article?

Actually, that was Clone Wars. Which explained what happens to the disciples and their training when a peaceful order is employed in open warfare.

Tracking the number of pedos within 0.2 miles is extremely useful.


This sounds fascinating to talk about. Do waves break because they move from deep to shallow water, or do they only break specifically because it's in shallow water in general? What if it isn't actually a wave, but rather an enormous tide, brought on by the ridiculous gravitational pull of that black hole. What if the

I actually recently gave up my AT&T Unlimited plan willingly. With two iPhones and an iPad, I was using a max of 5GB/mo. total data. I switched to the family share plan or whatever it's called with 10GB/mo and I cut $85 off my bill (with an iPad already on Next). Even adding the cost of two more iPhones via Next, my

i think i'm gonna stick with my iPhone 5s for another year and get the 6s next October.

Damn, that's great offense in TLoU. I never use the Shorty, the short range and two-shots-reload is just not my thing.

The video also shows someone in a space craft!

I feel like half of the fun of the Mario Kart series is screaming at the screen - especially when you're playing side-by-side with someone.

Currently reading: Against the Country, Ben Metcalf. It is knocking my socks off. It's angry and bitter and eloquent and utterly misanthropic. Imagine if William Faulkner hated the Southern countryside with every fiber of his being and possessed a wickedly barbed sense of humor. You could fry a fish in some of these

I'm finally reading Shogun by James Clavell, and I say finally because my dad has told lots of good things about it. Since is a borrowed old book, I'm not taking it everywhere, as I use to do (to read in every chance I have). For that, I've started reading El llano en llamas by mexican author Juan Rulfo. I just read

I'm currently about halfway through Brian McClellan's The Crimson Campaign, which is stunning so far.

The C Programming Language. It's a page turner

Any reason the local multiplayer via sharing was left out? That's the most interesting part of this feature in my opinion. I'm not really ever going to share a game online and leave my console going for someone else, but I plan to use the "virtual couch" multiplayer aspect all the time for stuff like Towerfall.