
That's not a fault of electronic cigarettes. That's a fault of an inconsiderate person. The only place I ever vape in public is in designated smoking spots. But I guess some people would rather I just as soon smoke there than vape. Morons.

Let's see. I don't vape around anyone. I vape in my car and in my apartment.

I know this:

I havent smoked a cigarette since November. I was a half-a-pack a day smoker.
I gradually tapered off to the point that I am vaping less than 2 ml a day, of 4.5 mg/ml.
My car doesn't smell.
My apartment doesn't smell, and I don't have to go outside.
I have spent far less than on cigarettes.
I have what

My favorite was always The Tick

But can you taste things?

Nope, not in Japanese. JFA in Japanese is 日本サッカー協会 (Nippon Sakkaa Kyoukai), with サッカー being "soccer" (sakkaa).

Getting excited about video games, when your an adult, is an excellent way to enjoy yourself. Events like E3, if you ride the hype train, gets you excited, then in a few months you spend some money and buy the games. It's the best. Hype train 4ever

I know, isn't it wonderful to be happy for a change? I keep telling everyone that it's way more fun to be excited than hate everything, but nooooooo we're on the Internet. Happiness apparently isn't allowed here.

It was at this point where I said, "Screw it. I'm jumping on the E3 hype train." It's easy to sit back and cast a cynical gaze upon the whole thing while typing "meh" more times than you actually use in real life, but it's tons more fun to follow along and actually get excited about things.

I think I like this implementation better. You can access the widgets from anywhere, not just at the home screen. That could be handy...we'll see.

homescreen widgets are only accessible there, these are accessible everywhere.

you know what i've been doing for years that the android phone i owned couldn't do? play music. that fucking thing had no clue how to play music. had like 4 different music apps. none of them worked correctly.

But the dancing around did win it, this time..

You're running at 1440p with a single 770, and you're complaining about 45fps?

*eye roll*

The Division was delayed as well.

It is not the arch of his foot that bends; it is only yourself.

Answer: Prime Directive. They know that to just magically give technology isn't going to suddenly solve a planet's problems, might just make them worse and keep them from properly developing on their own.