
I think that might be a bad mix for the trailer. I'm sure it'll be better mixed for the movie.

I'm running into the same issue. Comcast's On Demand has the same lot.

As a TV-only Game of Thrones fan, but having a roommate that has read the books, the biggest changes that I can see (the White Walker scene, Bran at Craster's Keep, etc) come up as totally fine with us. The books, AFAIK, are usually in perspective of the characters. If they are biased, or didn't see something, that

It was a rypo

I've always wanted a Sony DSLR, so is this "the one to get" for the price?

Someone addressed that point too - while not as "small" when combined, the Shooter genre is still a minority:

First Down!

"The Wolf of The Wall Street" and "King Burguer" HA!

Playing a game like this isn't like a twitch shooter, it's meant to be watched as much as played... So make it 48, with every-other frame providing motion blur data. But defaulting to "60fps or bust" ignores how much that breaks the cinematic feel of a game.

"masturbation-station 4 and a TVBox One"

How many movies have you seen in 60fps? Most are 24fps.

It probably looks worse here because YouTube is dropping anything past 30, so you're missing a few frames in the compression that may not land on a 29.97 base

You can set it so it doesn't automatically renew. You'd have a lapse in your sub, but you wouldn't lose anything. Then set it to auto-renew after you get the prepaid card.

It was a beautiful episode, and in my opinion only bested (emotionally) by the 3rd episode ("When Knowledge Conquered Fear"). Both had me in awe at the brilliance of this show, and had me nearly in tears.

I've never seen that before either. It's @2:21 if anyone else is interested...

Well, that still works. The fully trained old-order jedi have strong force control. Obi-wan is old and doesn't seem to use his force-skills too much (maybe out of practice?), and Vader is limited to choking and small appliance tossing. Luke is no master, either. The classically trained jedi (who still have all of

Yea, I liked his idea to give it weight because of how much energy it had to project (meaning the device itself must be dense and hefty). The evolution of style during the original trilogy felt organic. The sudden intensity during the Trilogy was jarring, but his idea of the golden age of the Jedi and efficient

Vader lost a lot of dexterity when his arms and legs were sliced off. Obi-wan is old. He explained this reasoning in the video.

How was this video pretentious? I think that word gets thrown around way too often.

There are two of those stores, actually. ;)