
I really hope you're trolling, otherwise I have lost all faith in humanity.

The Snacktaku review was on point, too. They taste like maple glue. The marshmallow ones, however, are heavenly. They should put that filling in the chocolate ones (or at least a heads or tails) and call it a day.

I am a Sony fanboy, and love me some PlayStation. I have every Sony console (including portables).

Yes, dramatically

As someone with an iMac and a PS4, the DualShock 4 works great (wired and Bluetooth). I use it for Steam, App Store games, Dolphin (a GC and Wii emulator), and the new OpenEmu. Very little hassle with setting it up. Mostly involves mapping some buttons on different types of controllers (like N64 or Wii), but that's

He's a graffiti artist, so maybe you can tag things like he did in the trailer... That would be fun... Tagging the top of the space needle, claiming territory that no one else can reach...

I agree with nothing else but how amazing the GOW commercial was. Still get goosebumps whenever I watch it.

People complaining on why he doesn't actually look like Delson Rowe might be missing the fact that it's supposed to be "you" as the player. Fantastic commercial, I think. I think it compares to the Titanfall commercials, though not as funny.

I just started playing the MP recently after a goal of not playing games that much this year... I had it at launch and got through the campaign, but put it down after that.

Oh man, I thought I was the only one who noticed....

Netflix + HuluPlus rivals basic cable for half the cost, IMO. Don't need much more than that.

You're getting 2 commercials every 10 minutes, about 6 total for a 30 minute show.


Yea, it wasn't directly solely at you, more at the list that people pull out as exclusives, and it always seems to be those three or four. I like Knack, Resogun, and Killzone a lot. I also like flOw, Flower, Trine 2, Outlast, Injustice, and DCUO, so to me, PS4 takes the exclusive crown.

Forza is up against GT6 on the PS3, GT7 on the PS4 (coming out 12-16 months), Drive Club (coming in a couple months), or The Crew (end of this year), so I don't really care too much about not having it on the PS4 (and while the drivatar is really cool, people's complaints about the lack of tracks/cars compared to the

No, but they might finally commit to that $400 system when that 2hr game tips the balance and rounds out the library, allowing people to take the next couple months to clear out the backlog:

I wish there were more features for my PS4, like local playback (or DLNA streaming), but it's now my go-to Hulu, Netflix, Amazon streamer (which used to be my AppleTV). I am playing Killzone: SF multiplayer, which is a ton of fun (1080p/60fps and gorgeous) and my roommate is playing Assassin's Creed 4 (and enjoying

I wished CBS would drop him and put Conan in his place... Sorta following the Letterman exile from NBC. Would have made for great TV.

I can dig it. I like the experimental nature of indie titles, and I'm glad they're finding a fairly mainstream home in the PS4/PSV.

I think Conan nails the late-night schtick better than Letterman. I wish he got more viewership beyond the gawker highlights every so often (I fear we are his only audience).