
AC4 is the only one I've seen mention 3D

Just make sure you have a solid Wi-Fi connection wherever you want to play... I'm hardwiring my PS4 (and just did the same for all of my other consoles) to reduce some Wi-Fi interference.

Now playing

Included on the system. It's a set of mini-games that act as tech-demos of the DualShock 4 and PS4 Camera's capabilities.

The PS3 had both public matchmaking and parties (group of friends in a game). Not sure why the PS4 would be different...

Would it be safe to assume Killzone fans would really enjoy this game? Do you think playing through the campaigns of at least K2 and K3 help make this game fall in line better (and deserve playing)?

Except they've specifically said they're looking to get those features on the PS4, but it wasn't a priority for launch.

I figured. At least its an idea to try it out.

PS4 games downloaded from PSN, yes.

Honestly, I only want to know if Need for Speed Rivals supports local multiplayer by using a Vita as a second screen... I haven't seen a straight answer yet....

Yea, but the ISA invaded Vetka to begin with, forced all of the Helghast to Helghan, then when the Helghast try to take back Vetka, the ISA kill them, and then invade Helghan, kill their leader, and blow up the planet!

I replied to someone else, but here it is directly to you:

To clarify, you will need each services respective subscription fees (if they have one), like Netflix, Hulu, etc.

I would find it ironic if Sony somehow manages an HBO Go app on the PS3/PS4 around when (or before) Xbox One gets theirs finished. Saying it's an app at launch, but coming months later, leaves them open for potential embarrassment. HBO Go is probably the only obviously missing app on the PS3 (and PS4, save for

There's at least $1,000,000 worth of PS4s there. About 40 pallets of 54 each per line, and there are more than one line of pallets (assuming the shrink-wrapped pallets in the background are so PS4s)

Not really an excuse, IMO. They have too much money and too many partners and have had too much time to not figure out how to create a reasonably sized PSU, Or better yet an internal one, considering it's their third console (in the business for over a decade now) and are actually pushing their hardware in markets

External PSUs are more prone to wear because A) they don't have good ventilation systems (fans, vents, etc) and B) more points of failure from things like cord bending. I just think it's bad engineering, at the very least a cop-out (and a market for more profit, selling marked up replacements).

Never implied the console wouldn't be fun, but the power brick for the XBone is nearly as big as a WiiU (may even be larger in volume) Trying to hide that monster is going to be tough (the 360 one was already a hassle). I can't imagine trying the fit that thing behind what is already a VERY large console, or in most

Just wait. You'll enjoy the XBone Brick even more.... and by enjoy, I mean curse and hate it.