
And to add that it's free with ads, or $25/yr for no ads (plus the added features of iTunes Match).

Much like how Google Maps or Gmail isn't allowed on iPhones since Apple Maps and iCloud....

This is exactly what I want to do. Thank you for the amazing tutorial.

Booo @ Insomniac for going Xbox Exclusive.


Which looks exactly like the image of Apple's N90 Concept ("An Angular iPhone 4")

Do you have one now?

I have one, and that doesn't happen to me at all. No matter the angle, it pops off fine. It can be annoying when it's your own leg lightly tugging on the cord and it disconnects, but... "first world problems", and all that.

With Apple Laptops you are more likely to get back a significant portion of that investment if you were to sell it later.

From your comments, it seems that you would rather pray for it to stay connected than buy a new battery and not worry about it.

Actually, my new rMBP uses what looks like C, not A.

I use SmartConvertPro + iDentify (both in the App Store) to make my videos Apple-friendly.

They tracked how many people played as either Good or Bad and found that 70% finished as Good Cole. They went with that story line for this sequel.

Same miniDP-based port, unless you're Sony and decide to use your own USB-like bastard of a port.

All you need to know is Thunderbolt 2 is about 4 times faster than USB 3.0.

To some people those two are interchangeable. People who cannot get a grip on their financial situation are stereotyped to be generally unorganized or unreliable. Every month they have to 'rob peter to pay paul' just to stay afloat. They are also considered dishonest and, to some people, low brow.

Actually, in Florida there are only really two perceived seasons - Summer and Fall. Right now we're in Summer. It's raining and storming like it will all hurricane season until November. Then it will be drought-like conditions and 'cool' (except for Winter 2011/12, which was very hot).

So when you try and tell someone

And me calling Samsung Fans "Sheep" pretty much describes Apple Fans. Your point?

How about how your phone sounds? How does it feel?

Yes. Just yesterday, I was playing (with friends) Street Fighter, then Twisted Metal, then Wheel of Fortune (weird night), but the Dual Shock 3 seems like the best controller for more types of games. It still works fantastic for Battlefield, Killzone, Resistance, Uncharted, etc.