
I think this will be bigger than any of my receivers....

Most likely Polygon / The Verge.

I do not think so. But I think if you correct them by tapping on words with the blue squiggly underline (it offers alternatives to what it think you said), then I believe those are 'saved' and learned from.

Hmm... leave it to me to assume this was common knowledge.

I feel like a lot of the "hate" stems from iTunes' baggage and less with how it performs lately.

No. I actually like iTunes a lot. Latest update is a major improvement in terms of speed. And on OSX, I've never had a problem. I use it to stream all of my movies and TV shows to my AppleTV and iOS devices (no syncing required), and I use iTunes Match to get playlists and music synced (automagically).

I think Nolan's Batman isn't nearly as great as Iron Man. Wayne didn't make his gadgets in those movies, right?

Which CS4/5 suite?

The website says it does.

Are you sure?

I pretty sure that was one of the points he was trying to make. He's suggesting that if you want people to limit the pirating of Game of Thrones, make it more accessible (like with a HBOGo-only subscription), or make it available on Netflix. He's trying to prove that their model works, and also show companies like

I prefer the words more...

It's not far off...

I don't want to repeat the same crap everyone else it (I mean, of course it's not really free, but it's still only ~$300, which is still pretty inexpensive for a HQ phone like the iPhone 4).

I've also heard a drop of bleach works well.

There are audio and video drivers in receivers that are usually better than the ones included in a TV. Multiple input types (HDMI, Toslink, Component, Composite, etc) with multiple audio types, I'd rather let my Receiver handle the processing rather than pipe it all through one cable. With any good receiver, you can

Looks fine to me. Maybe you already have an account, and your plan isn't eligible for monthly payments?

Math is close to sound. $650 - $70 ($2.92/mo x 24 mo) = ~$580

They are basically the PlayStation developer. They've been there since the beginning, and it's great they are getting the recognition they deserve for being so damn good.