The last 5 seconds of the song on the website is some kind of noise. Anyone figured out what it means? I'm not really a sound guru and don't know what to do with it myself :/
The last 5 seconds of the song on the website is some kind of noise. Anyone figured out what it means? I'm not really a sound guru and don't know what to do with it myself :/
Ooohhh... I used to listen to the guy. Really liked his work. Looking forward to this.
No one will play better if his team is raging. Lol is a game where combacks are very much possible. Why solidify your loss instead of trying to keep working for a win?
I highly recommend the lectures done by this guy - UNSW LoLSoc
Wildstar looks good, but I wonder when will developers/publishers learn that the MMO scene (and the online game scene in general) changed in the last few years. How many big, ambitious MMOs had to switch to F2P because they thought they were the next big thing? Did we learn nothing from that?
Guild Wars 2 has content updates every 2 weeks and no subscription fee.
The translation for both this and Graces was done by 8-4 Play, however translations teams often don't get to have any imput during the voice recording sessions for various reasons (voice actors living on a different continent, not having a recording studio nearby, stuff like that.)
*looks at screenshot with keys*
Please stop with the zombie games :(
I watched the video embeded in this article and I have to say that if I was in any position to do so I'd disqualify those people on the spot.
Thank you for sharing your story and answering questions. This discussion was very enlightening.
The new ending scene is actually the opening to Final fantasy VII.
Here's a completely straight answer: To get emails and passwords.
Should killing someone in a video game be treated similarly to a real killer? (one is a work of fiction with no victim, the other is not.)
See, personally I have no shred of sympathy since my country wasn't cherry picked as a "supported country" and knowing history wouldn't be for at least another 5 years.
Or you're like me and cause no one else within a 100 mile radius* had another Gameboy, or let alone a Gameboy with Pokemon Red or Blue on just buy a second Gameboy, a link cable and both versions of the game and trade with yourself. I got all 150 :x
Tales went mainstream?
Love this game. Just with the PC version would stop freezing at the first Millenia battle all the time...