
If you'll listen a bit to this interview you'll probably understand what type of a person Evans is.

I played it a bit. It was nice to be reminded of the things I liked in the original Ragnarok Online from time to time, but this game is as generic as it gets and has nothing going for it besides nostalgia and memories.

Who are these "girls" they speak of?

Pants on fire!

Tell me about it... I only realized my mistake after reading your comment :(

I wonder if this will mean that Sony will put PS2 enable software backwards compatibility on the PS3 in a firmware update soon.

I disagree entirely! The best experience I had with the game was BECAUSE of the other player.

I had a friend move in on the floor below me. He had an Amiga, I had a Comodore 64. I remember visiting him and watching him play this. His Amiga wasn't a model recommended for this game, it had too little ram so the later levels were CRAWLING slow, but he played it anyway.

First thing that actually makes me want to play Dota2 (aside from friends coaxing me in) but it's way too expensive for me. if there's going to be some sort of sale on this someday though then maybe...

I linked to a video of the guys from Giant Bomb playing it and as soon as they got into the first battle the game slowed down to half speed for the duration, it looked horrible.

...I find it really sad that you're using FPS games as an example :(

Now playing

I strongly suggest not getting Batman unless something changed in a patch. It's a bad port where all the fights run at half speed.

The analogue sticks are not the main way of interacting with the game, the buttons are.

What are you talking about? The Dual Shock 2 is probably the best gamepad made to date. The only problem with the DS3 that I have is my fingers sometimes slip from the triggers but it's very comfortable to hold. Don't fix what ain't broke.

I disagree, to an extent at least.

I played 1 and loved it, it's one of my favorite RPGs. I would be all over 2 is it was up on the PlayStation Store. Also all over 3, I heard it was very good but it never came out in Europe :/

I like to think that it's not in slow motion.

Whaaa? That's a really... weird mix of games. I mean technically they're chronological but...

I wonder how much it cost.

Because the previous Free to Play RTS games worked so well...