
The character animations are horrendous. This looks like it was the first thing the animator ever worked on.

Sorry, what? My reply wasn't aimed directly at any of your comments.

I'd like to have that Sheppard skin in actual Minecraft :P

The "Work in Progress" is not because it's a Beta.

Not a developer myself but yeah, I know why things in inappeasable areas, or things that are far away are "lower detail", be that using flat bitmaps or low quality models.

Saw this myself when I was playing the game. I hope that they patch that, it looks horrible. I bet that they just forgot to replace some placeholder models.

Emergency Induction Port...

The Guild Wars 2 Twitter account tweeted that they get all the data properly.

My Mass Effect 3 Collectors Edition pre-order got canceled due to a decrease in supply and I'm pissed about it.

This is the reason I'm not buying this game until I see a "Game of the year" compilation with all DLC included.

At least North America gets SOME Tales games... :(

*checks his save*

Sadly these things are pretty useless. It's stated in the auction that they're strictly props and will not support weight. I never expected props lie these to even let you jump, but it will be hard to even walk around in these and they'll be at a constant risk of breaking :/

Am I the only one that's bothered by the fact that the course is not mostly shown from the perspective of the judge? At first I thought that Wright and Edgeworth were standing on the wrong sides because of this :/

Urgh, it's like they forgot that Kingdom Hearts and Versus XIII exist...


Free to play already has a meaning that everyone knows. Different companies treat the "Free" part differently, but whatever.

Yay! I saved 99 cents!

Dammit, that shiny chin. It just looks to me like he's drooling throughout the entire video and I can't unsee it.