Did you just call this a "Title Update"?
Did you just call this a "Title Update"?
Well in GW1 if someone gets banned then the first time they log on Dhuum (the previous god of death and one of the hardest bosses in the game) comes out of the ground for eveyone in the city to see and kill the guy with his enormous scythe. Oh, and he also makes you burn.
My PS3 copy of Brotherhood still has a thin 16 page manual with controls, support and copyright info.
I just hope that:
@PurelySatanic: But you know, if computer architecture changed, and this new memory was like current RAM but allowed programs to be installed on it, then running that program would be lightning fast, since all of it's data would already be in there.
I want a new assassin, and I'll even tell you the specifics:
The guys who made Civilization 5 should fix their game too, since like a dozen achievements are broken, and at least 1 requires modifying game files to unlock.
I have a question.
It worked for League of Legends. We'll see how the Need for Speed community is ;]
@Brandon Morris: Expected a DS game. Not a 3DS game.
@syrdax: Yes, you can attack a keyboard. No, you can't play games on it. You can use it for typing.
"Today in Tokyo, Level-5 revealed a Professor Layton and Ace Attorney crossover"
@Josh: Gw2 will have instanced dungeons. They very briefly mentioned the existence of one during the Necromancer demo at GamesCom. IDK if these will be the "Raids" that you absolutely must play or the game will suck in your eyes. More info on dungeons will come at a later date.
Does anyone else get shivers down their spine when watching Shadow of the Colossus footage?
First: Make the system give 200% exp at start, and 100% at the end. Slice the amount of exp given by mobs in half.
@dowingba: IIID? Please don't go there...
@Jerkface: It's actually spelled "eks fire", not "cross fire". They have it in the FAQ on their website.
Honestly, I'm kind of concerned.
@CharmingCharlie: I'm from Poland. The game has polish voices and subtitles natively, with no option to switch to english. So probably couldn't get ahold of the voice actors...