I don't care about palette swaps and armor I'm not going to use. I don't see why I should care about extra weapons, since my 3-shot Assault Riffle and Widow Sniper Riffle are irreplaceable.
I don't care about palette swaps and armor I'm not going to use. I don't see why I should care about extra weapons, since my 3-shot Assault Riffle and Widow Sniper Riffle are irreplaceable.
Duuuuude, let's pwn some noobs and grill some grub maaan!
Not living in the US, so why should I care?
@domhnall: The 3D firmware update was on April 1st...
God damnit. I'm such a KH fanboy that I have to buy it now, since I have a DS and didn't have a japanese $1000 cellphone...
@cfive3: Cinematic on the KH2 cinematic engine look pretty nice, don't they?
@notjasonlee: He just did and he's totally right.
Here. It's a Pokeball Minigun. Have fun.
I hope the European release will be in cardboard like the previous 2 games. (only the re-release of ICO that came out at the same time SotC did was in a normal box.)
I was Team ICO games. I already own both, but I'd still be willing to buy these "remakes".
The game is really underwhelming, and I regret buying it, even though I'm a big bullet hell fan.
@Trai_Dep: Framerate is something you're experiencing all the time. Also, 5 x 0 is still 0.
A game breaking glitch in a Prince of Persia game... AGAIN.
And the NEXT Call of Duty will be released on 09.10.11. I'm calling it.
@data_enabler: I'll tell you the secret... they're CD's!
Sorry Bungie. Not buying the Activision brand, whatever you're going to make.
@Muskrat 42: In GW1 the exp you get from monster kills scales with your level. So if you're level 5 and kill a level 5 mob you get 100 exp, but if you're level 7 you get 50 exp.
@nauticalland: Same reason why Bravia TV's don't reject signals from 360 consoles.
Sorry Lost Planet 2, but my penis doesn't handle the wallet in this arrangement. You lost (planeted) me...
@senselocke: I'm not 100%, but I read that the games connect to your Ubi account forever, so you're not going to buy anything used, unless you like remembering a bunch of logins...