
@Archaotic: When Microsoft gives you money, you Obey.

@Ryodestined: Club Nintendo is US only, so that wouldn't work.

@VileMethoD: I got bored with 12 really fast, despite really trying hard to play it the 2nd time (eventually dropped it again), but I'm really liking what 13 has offered me in the last 30 hours. Characters are great, the battle system is terrific. The story starts out slow, but it looks like it's picking up the pace

@VileMethoD: I got bored with 12 really fast, despite really trying hard to play it the 2nd time (eventually dropped it again), but I'm really liking what 13 has offered me in the last 30 hours.

@VileMethoD: I got bored with 12 really fast, despite really trying hard to play it the 2nd time (eventually dropped it again), but I'm really liking what 13 has offered me in the last 30 hours.

Will we hear another story about a guy marrying a video game character soon? :P


@Cerabret100: So you're a Krogan? How does it feel to have 4 balls?

@rhacer: You only need to buy the Cerberus Network Access once, and you get everything that is and will be released on it. There may be extra payed DLC outside of the CN in the future though.

The fact that you have to wear the helmets all the freaking time to get bonuses, and can't take them off from the special armor at all makes the extra armor a big turnoff.

School Girl Hook-Ups. Efin A. Where's my credit card?

@Brinsley :): And that begs the question: Why didn't Square get Uematsu to do the music :/

@(Starman) Starman: You can listen to samples on the official website you know.

50-60? That's short for an RPG of that magnitude. Persona 4 was about 100 if you went for the true ending.

@-MasterDex-: They did. A loooong time ago. Kotaku's slow...

And the European version will probably still be a white background with just the logo, as was with 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2 and 12...

To bad is doesn't use Sony's old motion control scheme. Maybe it would be the first game to use that thing right.

Last Remnant? Bah, where's my Tales of Vesperia I ask!

Subscription fees. I'll stay with my Guild Wars, thank you very much...