
"no matter your preference, it is fact that Sony is doing it wrong"... That is the dumbest thing I think you can say. Your opinion is wrong...

I have been playing SRIV for about 5 hours I will say. Some main story stuff, some dicking around stuff. To be completely honest the game feels like they sat down with SRIII and said "what type of game do we want to make?" and everyone at the table added one thing that could be great, but it is competing with all the

Main difference is the Wii u was releasing games we already had on another system. And with no gain other than sporting the Wii u gamepad. These next gen games look significantly better. I feel that these next gen titles are scaled down to work on the current gen hardware while the next gen editions are the true ones.

Is that a Strickland LR-750 3D maneuver gear?

Wow I totally replied to the wrong post. So now I have to say that I agree with you on the Munchlax.

I find it hard to believe that you went to see Conan and Patton was what let you down...

I was going to be getting both consoles but MS has just been so weak lately. They are saying one thing and doing another. For instance there was always a lot of bad publicity about the always connected kinect and the drm stuff, but MS insisted that it was necessary and it would be worth it. Now I can't say they

However purchased copies have already been bought. Most publishers offer a credit back to GS if a game drops in price dramatically but not if it is the only retailer doing so. I agree that what they are doing here is wrong and all that but to be quite honest most of this is computer driven. If people buy games at a

So did GameStop put the online pass into motion? No, they actually are against it because it eats into their profit on used games. Oh and before your "they make so much on used blah blah blah..." no business is ever looking at ways to maintain their current pace, they want growth, and they are good at it. Cry.

Then it would be the same as if he wanted to play a two player game. He wouldn't be able to see the online specs or anything like that. But GameStop isn't required to put that on their case. You have 7 days if you don't like it to return it.

Always a fan of upgradeable perks in game (think temple run or learn to fly). Encourages you to play more and more, while pushing you to become better and gain more currency to upgrade your rockets or whatever. Also if at all possible avoid forced paygates, or implied paygates. I hate playing something like Candy

Have the PS4 and will be picking up the camera, Assassin's Creed 4, Watchdogs, and a spare controller. When I let the dust settle I will be getting an XBone and more than likely the Halo game they don't want to talk about.

It also puts a day one stamp on your gamer card cuz... yknow...

The moment at 1:50 when the cameraman realizes that acid he took during the last video he recorded is working.

If he REALLY cared about how it sounded then he would have invented a sound format and would have made the first file of it's kind the pronunciation of it.

True but those are rarely more than directed punches and kicks. There are few exceptions that feature a signature move as opposed to a directional hit. Playstation All Stars Battle Royale seems like a better platform to place a Jump Character. They translate many more moves to the game than Smash does... Even though

Any Jump character in Smash would suck. Having a character that knows more moves than he could ever use, reduced down to 4?

But the thing is that in Japan most of the games sell pretty well so the companies that have the rights to the franchises are all on board to make a bunch of money with this release. In the US the games sell OK at best. Also early on most anime and manga weren't recognized in the states so companies like Sega and

Having worked at GS for a few years myself I have never heard of DS3 batteries not working or needing replacement. The only issue I know people had with the PS setup was that the ports were not hot while the system is off. So you can only charge while you are playing. So I sold tons of wall chargers for them.

I actually want to see this game come to the PS4. I will most likely be doing what I am this generation, buy most games on PS and get what is exclusive on Xbox. That being said, my only gripe with this game so far is that they expect me to stay immersed in the game while Mick from the local Jiffy Lube pulls out a