
Well Oda actually has to green light any fillers. If you compare One Piece filler with any other anime, it is clear that it has superior filler. Even to the point that seeing all episodes and reading all chapters, I can sometimes mistake filler for cannon.

The Iron-Man shot is from Iron Man 3 when Stark is working in his shop on Christmas. He sent the armor up in Auto-Pilot to greet Pepper and this was it's pose when she came in the door.

This. Also in the movie this is not even him, it is the armor running the auto-pilot. He was hiding from pepper in the basement while he worked.

I feel that Nintendo sees anything on youtube can be considered bad publicity for them. Their reasoning is most likely that you can directly compare consoles on a unbiased medium. I know that there are some sites that already do much more in depth comparisons, but Nintendo isn't trying to grab the demographic looking

I for one have a group of friends that all built custom fightsticks out of third party dreamcast controllers and we would get together once a month and play MVC2 on that. People were begging for a new MVC and we got the downloadable version. When the third one dropped, yeah it was awesome but it didn't draw as much

I can't wait until they revisit the series with a FMA:Brotherhood approach. Even though it doesn't need it NEARLY as bad as FMA did, it would be nice to see the animators start from chapter one and go through the very end without filler or any censorship. Also they desperately need to animate this final saga (been

I understand that. My point is that without the large pool of resources to be focusing on things like AI, lighting effects, complex mechanics, and other things we are now used to in current console games, mobile developers spend more time and resources making graphic decisions. And being limited mostly to a 2D space

I have to agree with Acme on this one. Console games are already at their peak. Mobile platforms are getting to theirs now. It is just a faster progression than what we saw with consoles. Consider that games for consoles can take 3+ years to make. Mobile games can take 6 months. So in the time it takes for a company

Am I the only one that thought this is a little weak? Almost a copout. Almost as bad as when he made oddjobs hat. People want to see intricate stuff, not 3 blades on a handle. I can go online and buy the same thing right now, it just won't cut.

7. Well the fact that the controllers are using IR to determine which controller is which is a good feature it serves the same purpose that the light bar on the dual shock 4 does. Also IR casts a broad light it isn't very good for depth tracking like the light bar is. Because the light is reduced down to just color

I get that this is PR. Everything released by PS Access is. Same if you go to any of the single party news channels. But my point was that they were not comparing this to any other system in the video. The majority of these facts were probably found to be the least talked about in Sony's eyes. How many twitter posts

5 years is quite some time. I can see the PS3 selling at $200 in a years time. But the PS4 will be $400 for 2 years or so in my opinion. Then it would either drop to $329 or $369 If it has a game bundled in it would be the latter. Or it could take another approach and include the camera in the bundle at $399. They

Before I begin I want to say I don't think you read the title of the video. It is "Twenty things you might not know about the PS4". Not "Twenty bragging points about the PS4" or "Twenty things that no other console can do but the PS4".

There are two things at play here. First would be creative license. If the movie was a visual translation of the book then why would anyone buy the book and read it? They could just watch the movie in a fraction of the time. The second comes down to the fact that authors know that when people buy a book they are

Definitely put the right one on the front. The others were... not my cup of tea. Any more like the first?

I am all for the legalization of weed. I for one can't smoke the shit since it gives me anxiety issues which is just a mind thing that I could get over, it just isn't worth the negative times I experience while getting to the good. But enough about that...

Actually GS ran out of Xbone pre-orders a LONG time ago. In fact it wasn't because they sold quick, just that we only had a handful. Day after e3 we had 30 PS4 and 7 Xbone available to pre-order. All were accounted for by noon at my store. They slowly gave more and more. Eventually had 45 PS4 and 12 Xbone. When MS

I actually used to do this back in the day. I was part of a mom & pop retro store and I was messing around with the names of some jpgs. The format changed a bit though so I wasn't able to get them anymore. Seems they have reverted back to that format though.

Well if going purely digital were a thing, then you would certainly think about your purchase before you played it. You would have the idea of pre-buying your title so you would have that box already checked. Most people don't pre-order lesser titles because they are widely available and most people wait until they

There are improvements. But it would only save you about 5 minutes per game. I had a 256GB SSD in my system for a few months but after downloading all my PS+ stuff I had to change it out to a 750GB HDD. I have noticed very little difference. But there are plenty of write-ups on the subject. Most lead to the same