@jaqdanical: "that" is only a laser guided saw aimed at your genitals... Trust me. You don't want "that"
@jaqdanical: "that" is only a laser guided saw aimed at your genitals... Trust me. You don't want "that"
@CommodoreRake: EVERYTHING.... just not that.
@amazingmao: Strong thumbs. The next shot shows the hand placing the PSP2 down on a table with a dent on it's side.
@The Sentient Meat: I thought of that. But then if that is the touch screen's purpose... why not just have two small touch sensitive patches that are L2 and R2. They must have a purpose for it in game. Then how would the system know how to differentiate between L2 press and using the touch feature. All will be…
What about R2 L2? What about rumble? Bluetooth? Mini Blu Ray?
@ValeriaHeart: This has me laughing hysterically. Seeing as I am all OMGWTF over the PSP2 and playing ME2. So now I see this... glance at the TV in the middle of a dialog. Shepard is in his leaned back comfortable pose. and I picture this. Too funny. Now I will never view him the same.
@Kariodude: I can just taste the sarcasm... I think.
@keyboard_lime: Not really. Actually it resembles a DSlite. The main difference is the processor is actually distinguished a bit more (larger now). Also it looks like everything is down on the bottom half other than speakers and the screen.
@buckyboy2009: By far my favorite game ever. And that is coming from a Sony guy. Everything is so well done in OoT. The music is more than enough to cheer me up and remind me of the days when gaming meant more. It was when games were actually difficult and you could play the same titles again and again. Now we beat a…
@knobmonster: When you work around gaming consoles in a field like repairs or modding, you build up a collection of systems. At one point I had 3 360s, 2 PS3s and about 10 PSPs. Not because I wanted them, but because I acquired them. I repaired all 3 for a while and there would be some systems that people didn't want…
@DaChea: Like Wizard said, this is not a method that will be instantly linked to pirating. For the majority of it's users it will be a way to get what they want out of their console. The PS3 is a beast of a console in terms of specs. With features like wifi, bluetooth, a huge processor, built in hdd, and plenty of…
I have only played COD:BO a few times. I was wondering is this the console or PC version. I want to know if the console version has a replay mode somewhat like Halo's. If so that gives the game a few points in awesome.
@MYDJCROW: I guess in the right light it wouldn't be too bad. The positives would outweigh the negatives. But I would definitely have to keep my messages private. He wouldn't want to be reading a short (yet explicit) story about how he was conceived. But it would be cool for him to see how his parents met (I joined…
@CaptainJack: The 360 uses 2.4GHz wireless technology. Not bluetooth. All of the things you mentioned computers and consoles do now takes very little power. As you said, they are processing very little information and perfomming very simple tasks. As for using Kinect to turn on your console it is a bit more complex…
@Mit: I get your point. But right now I think Kinect has a better catalog of games just because they have more new titles and they also changed their focus demographic dramatically. They are no longer pushing bad movie games to families, they have Kinect to push. They already have the hardcore gamers paying $60 a year…
Kinect is all happy go lucky games right now. So they will clearly sell more units to families that just want to play with baby tigers. But Playstation is advertising the Move as a hardcore alternative to motion gaming. Sure it has it's family games and such, but it is still geared for hardcore gamers with families in…
@Firescorpio1: Project?
@gunstarhero: They could very well start releasing standard PS2 games on the PS3. They would have to be ported over to a PS3 compatible format and possibly given trophy compatibility. As for releasing a download that just lets you play your PS2 games from a disc... not likely. I believe they are testing the market…
@gunstarhero: Because it was actually re-released as a PS3 title. It is not backwards compatibility or anything like that. It is no different than when they gave us a downloadable version of Infamous...
@milo128 shouldn't have done that.: Oh word. Then I might spend the time to watch it on my PSP...