
@Shocky: They are not trying to give you something that will be used once and then gone. Art is a serious part in making a game. They can't just sit down and start with 3d models. They have to draw it first. A lot. I for one love seeing how they got to the finished product. The mousepad is cool because it is only sold

@Murderdolls: Well when you give people a good amount of content that is new to everyone of course PvP is going to slow down. Burning crusade was just about the same since everyone was making a paladin on the horde and all of the alliance was enjoying outlands with all of it's pally gear. Whenever Blizz gives us

@DrakeDatsun: I have all 3 systems and a high end PC. I do not need to stay anything. I am just saying that if you look at all disc based consoles, they have progressed in some way more than just keeping up with the times. PS1, PS2, PS3 have all taken a risk on a fairly new format and brought it into the mainstream.

@DrakeDatsun: Well of course they are. But really that is just barely keeping up with the curve. I mean new. As in not last years GPU or subpar memory. There weren't any real innovations in the 360. It was just some upgraded specs to keep up with the times. Same beast different time.

@DrakeDatsun: What else does the 360 offer? Nothing new in the form of tech. Say what you want but that is what it is. Sure it has a better processor for all the extra data it has to process. But nothing like BluRay or any game changing addition. Give me some examples of what you see as an upgrade from the original

@Dwight-K-Schrute: The reason the graphics are often watered down is because it is usually a straight port from the 360 version. The 360 is just an Xbox original with Dual layer DVDs and upscaling abilities. So when they take a decent game on xbox (which is then upscaled) and put it on PS3 (which isn't) it looks

@masterage: It doesn't hurt to have it. And for the price.... just $15 more you get another 180GB.

@masterage: The Seagate Momentus is pretty good. I went with a Western Digital Scorpio Black.

@Herbal: Looking like just for PS3. It has the Move. So it was most likely insane easy to port.

@masterage: Exactly. Sometimes you just have to talk it out.

@masterage: It can but the only problem I have found with getting faster drives in PS3s is they show little to no improvement. When you think about it, it can only perform as fast as the components it interacts with. So the system supports the speed but isn't made for it. The only place you see improvements is when

@Zaos: Yeah there were several standing ovations at the presrceening. People have clapped at the other showings but I have a feeling that the movie will only do better. More people will see it when Expendables is sold out and they will go and love this movie and tell a friend. it is all about spreading the word.

@masterage: Everything is good to go then. I get what you mean though. Redownloading can be a hassle but the only way around it is to clone your drive (which has been hit or miss). Best of luck though.

@SuicidalEarthworm: So what are you wanting? You want them to release a bundle for people that already have the eye... but don't have the wand or the game? The majority of people already have a PS3 and need all 3. So they have a bundle for that. Some people are wanting to get a system and all the goodies with it. Bam

@masterage: To be honest it is easier than just looking at a guide. Your only issue is buying a drive. Go here [www.newegg.com] and find the right drive for you. Look at both speed and size. Oh and price of course. Shipping is fast and reliable. Be sure to back up all of your saves with a usb stick. Changing out the

@grantanamo: I get what you mean. These games are very unique in the way that they take this alien world and just drop it onto earth. Other games take very earth-like places and put aliens on them. Or avoid earth all together and have a bunch of random alien environments. Kinda over the general FPS junk. Call Of Duty

@MetalSonic7: I got a big Red Dead vibe from it. Fallout 3 as well. If someone just showed me the clip without telling me what it was for those are the first 2 I would jump to. Then by the end where you see the chimera... then I would most likely be confused somewhat. Actually knowing what it is for kinda ruins the

Have you seen the commercials for it? That has to be why it isn't picking up yet. They are in need of an extended trailer that, rather than showing bits and snippets from all over the movie, shows parts from a fight or a gutbustingly funny reference. Just a thought.

@NeVeRMoRe666: I have seen SPvTW 3 times now. I was so psyched to see expendables when I saw the trailer. But everytime I go to see it I end up getting to the window and saying 2 for Scott Pilgrim. I just know how those kinds of movies are... They really show you the most badass parts in the commercial and through in

@Zaos: I saw a free prescreening a week or s0 before it released and was yelling "Blu Ray BABAY!" at especially good parts of the movie. So yeah I suppose I could pick this thing up when it releases... o.O