
@Robotics: Well by saying it is in the collector's is the same as it won't be in the standard. The point of announcing collector's features is to show the incentives one can look forward to when getting this product. A few co-op maps would not be something tey would reveal for the game as a whole in a post about the

Saw the demo today. Some extra footage. Was sick. I can't wait to see more from this game. Will be amazing.

@Robotics: Not really they do this with plenty of games. Exclusive maps or challenge rooms... Halo did it with the legendary map pack. It is just an incentive to buy a collector's edition. The sales figures from MW2 showed that more people are willing to pay 80 for extra content and a metal case.

@Azures: I had never known it was a disguise. I had always thought it was Windu rejecting the force back into Palpatine and his body showing the effects. I know as sith continue to use/abuse their powers their body shows signs (Darth Bane made it look cool in my opinion) but never really knew they had ways of hiding

@Sabbatai: My point is that even if these things do take work (which I know they do) It can be solved with little to no code work. They would have to make items scalable. If it is character A's hands make it a scale of 1. Character B's hands make it a scale of 1.15. So on and so forth. It isn't as if they have to

@Sabbatai: WoW has everything compatible with everyone. If it doesn't fit your species model... make it bigger. Too big make it smaller. Even mounts work that way. A tauren's timberwolf is bigger than an orc's timberwolf. And as for doors and portals... seriously? This is the star wars universe we are talking about.

@Korill Venn: I am not super into Star Wars but from what I understand it was from using a bit too much of the dark side of the force. You can see the transformation in episode 3 when Samuel Mothafuckin Jackson goes to arrest him and Palpatine puts up a fight. Then too much shocky shocky from his hands and bladow he

@Reyes Reyes III: Yeah I was reading through them and making sure I had them all right when I read (I move my fingers away from the keyboard to crack them) That is when (I move my self away from the laptop so I don't drop it in a fit of uncontrollable laughter). 15 points for Gryffindor.

@PathRifter: I may be the only one out there... But yes I am a firm believer in paying companies that do well on a game. I pirate. Sure no harm done. Because if I enjoy the game 9 times out of 10 I buy it. Dragonage was the exact opposite. I bought it... Hated it, returned it, then saw if I liked it later in the game.

@kicking222: How did you do this without photoshop? And only 15 minutes of fallout? You will get another.. Iunno... 10065 minutes... I am up to a full week of gameplay.

@Doctor Insano: I actually got this. Once I saw the fact it was a tauren I figured it would be an EWJ reference.

@Fernando Jorge: My guess is companies like this forgot the internet exists and we can consult a vast amount of knowledge that we like to call google everytime we find something out of place. Sigh.

@typicalhero: The big deal is even if they just hired the same graphic designer that guy needs to get fired. He obviously has about one and a half ideas in his mind if he can't manage to design another ad campaign.

@HowIsYourFlat: Well if you think about it this is TRUE 3D. Since 3D means the object has 3 dimensions. Anything that has length width and depth is 3D. On a 3D TV it still only has 2 dimensions. The 2 viewing angles convinces your mind there is actual depth to the image. But with this the object actually has a third

@Whizkid103: open your good eye... If you can't see the differences I have reason to believe you are playing on one of these...

@Shoop Da Whoop: I would like to think so but it seems more turret-like. Something out of Lost Planet would match a bit better. When you see it in the live video you can see the mech on the bridge has different actions than Nancy. Would be good to see Nancy as a boss in either of the new games.

I like the art style for this. They are going with a somewhat cartoony look comparable to SFIV. The Tekken characters look very sculpted and somewhat foreign.

@cloud668: Nobody answered your question. I am kinda confused about this too. I would google it... but I am on Kotaku for a reason.

Very dramatic ending to your article. Such a heavy note to end on.

@PS1: I enjoy the PS2 classics on the disc but I think the process of taking a game an putting it on the network is easier and faster than putting it onto a disc. As long as I can get weekly updates I am golden.