
Looks like we are covered on this Global Warming business. We can blame it on her for making the sun too hot melting the polar ice caps and charge her for the damage when a solar flare damages our technology.

Now playing

If you think that's bad, listen to this...

We want free DLC before the lights go out!!!

In 5 Billion years, every thing that we ever did wont matter because the solar system will be consumed by a red giant which is our Sun. Might as well nuke ourselves since Washington has already nuked science.

Ha! I knew it!

Why would it be cloud related when iTunes has already been updated to 10.1? iTunes would have to release iTunes 10.2 and iOS 4.3. I'm leaving my bets on the Beatles from my last comment post. Tomorrow is Tuesday and Tuesday is a media day where new songs and new movies are released. Look at the cities on the teaser.

Go to!!!

@Pman17: So the Beatles are next to release via digital download for the first time from Apple Records.

Here's a clue. Apple Records just released their new website recently.

Who said 4.2 isn't out? Non-developers can use the GM as long as someone provides it. Why wait? Download it here... []

or maybe it's the other way around. We came from Mars! lol

My college is doing this next week!!!

Looks pretty cool but the acting is probably gonna be cheesy.

Now that's how you promote a movie.

I've had the Kinect Beta for three months. I think it will be successful as long as it gets enough attention with great Kinect games and integration in 360 games such as Call of Duty. It would be awesome to get your face scanned and placed on a FPS character or RPG like the Elder Scrolls series.

@Sir Gibler: This site is downloading them and they will be available soon. It's where I got 4.1 before it was released. []

Time to search for the GM thats not on the developer site. The GM works non-developers. Just gotta find it on another site. That's how I was able to claim my Game Center name a day early.

If time travel was possible, we would know already, unless there are well kept time travel restrictions in the future.

Here is the problem... They release the Wii and it's a big hit because it changes how we do gaming, but, very few excellent games are released. The they say we were too lazy to put a gyroscope in to your controller, so they rip us off with the Wii Motion Plus. Still, very few games are released and now Netflix, Hulu,

I'm waiting for the iPad 2 which comes out in a few months.