
This is one of those dish effects. I have a wireless Rock Band mic for the Xbox 360. When I cuff my hand over the mic, my hand traps the waves coming from the Xbox or TV and bounces into the microphone creating the annoying high pitch screeching sound.

Makes sense for the people who work for a company that builds weapons for the US military. But, I much rather it be a HDD that actually self-destructs in the hackers face. That would be awesome with no bugs of course.

Eww, looks like one of those Compaq Palm Pilots.

The Windows 7 slate is an actual full working computer running on a tablet. The iPad is something between a full functioning computer and a iPhone. So when you look at it in this perspective, the W7 slate is just another laptop.

SWEET!!! Downloading NOW!!!

Yay, bouncing iDevices! Drop them and they wont just fall and break on the ground, they will come back to you!

I guess Nintendo has reached its goal of appealing their games to a wide spread audience.

Had a red plastic one from the '90s. Pretty neat

Try hanging that off your desktop tower.

There is a reason why I bought a mouse for my MacBook.

Still waiting for mine to ship. The confirmation says Sept. 1st and I ordered on July 23 right when word got out.

To me, unlocking my iPhone doesn't matter anymore because the iPhone can finally do everything such as video recording and wallpapers. Also many of the jailbreak apps crash due to newer firmware and they now cost money.

It makes sense. Verizon already has its Droid competing with Apple. Apple would have to make two different iPhones to fit Verizon and AT&T. There would be too much complaining if Verizon got the phone. AT&T customers would be calling Apple saying "Why can't my iPhone do this when my friend who has the same iPhone but

I bet most of the hacking would come from PC gamers.

I can buy a 4GB memory stick for $7 at Micro Center. I thought memory was cheap these days.

This actually looks cool. I might get this app.

T-Mobile has one of those pole towers near my house in the middle of a shopping center parking lot.

Iron Man!

Now playing

Hours of research? (as posted by someone on an earlier thread comparing iPhone 3G to commercial)

I need a new iHome. Mine doesn't support charging for the iPhone.