
From the sound, it seems like someone is getting murdered with a knife in the background. I mean, just listen to that scream. No doubt it was a 16 year old boy.

I was with you until you dissed Tokyo Drift. That was a really fun movie that still had the feel of the first one, even if they didn’t use the original cast. 2 was garbage.

WTF?! This is getting crazy. They are just milking the franchise now. Dont get me wrong, Ive loved the movies, but the last few (4-7) have become action movies with cool cars, instead of movies about racing and cars, and that saddens me. The only true ones in my book were the first 2 (Tokyo Drift was garbage).

“I need a flying license.”

What a gift Rockstar has given us with GTA 5! It still makes me laugh harder than most comedies.

Looks like you need a newer version of this!

I know it's not totally hand-built with the same love and whatever of a Mulsanne or Phantom...but I'm quite sure that for a price you'll be able to get any color and materials you want inside and out. You could do that with the old Maybachs but most people just bought them as-is. Most US Bentley/RR buyers

Not sure which is more impressive, the bike, and specifically the suspension, or the rider.

I'm so glad you posted this video. I remember watching this a while back. It has the BEST commentary.

-Occasionally you'll accidentally download porn

Just doesn't sound as exciting.

Actually he never stepped in the Lava, Had he stepped in his foot would've been enveloped in Lava. He merely tapped the surface.

Is there any reason the pics are all Pontiac grand prix's

3. Approximately 80% of a child's intelligence is acquired from the mother.

Skoda > VW

I'll pass on the maggot platter. Can I have the lobster instead? What, they are related to insects. Crap. Shrimp? Crap. Escargot? Never mind. I'll have the salad.

I laughed, I cried, and in the end I rejoiced in your success! Bravo!