Well, the fact that she said the taxi driver was leering at her made me think they were laughing at her and judging her, rather than just laughing at the situation.
Well, the fact that she said the taxi driver was leering at her made me think they were laughing at her and judging her, rather than just laughing at the situation.
That’s not great, but at least they still saw each other occasionally. They didn’t disappear from each other’s life completely.
But would she then never allow them to see each other ever again? Or let you see your daughter ever again?
But the real question is, why the hell would their parents split them up like that? That goes beyond a rocky divorce.
Lol what? They already did the worst part, what's the point of leaving it in a bush?
She was heavily pregnant at the time, so maybe picking it up would’ve been an ordeal for her?
Ew taxi driver, manager, and everyone that laughed. Uncool and unnecessary.
Secluded treehouse in Hawaii!!!! That sounds magical.
Giggle at Kim Kardashian’s 15-carat ring that Kanye probably bought with a coupon.
Oh. So it’s ok to be an asshole it it’s online and nobody can actually see you being an asshole. Well that explains all the random sexist and racist trolling that goes on in the comment sections of every website and social media site.
I don’t expect anyone to be sad, but gleefully celebrating it is mean and unnecessary. And yes I know, he was an asshole so who cares if people are assholes to him. But he’s dead, so how anyone feels about him or how they treat him as a person is irrelevant, because he’s dead. All this celebration is just pouring salt…
Shrug=ok. Celebration= not ok.
Not body snarking. I like it, that doesnt change the fact that he’s small. But anytime the two of them are mentioned as a couple, people always talk about how small she is and how young she looks. And I’m not referring to Jezebel’s She is a Baby conspiracy, because this extends past Jezebel.
Oh I’m not referring to the whole, She is a Baby conspiracy. I’m talking about how on every article ever written about her or any picture posted of her, people will always talk about how young she looks. Regardless of her actions.
Yeah I mean, I don’t hate it. But I don’t see how someone can look at him and think, he’s definitely too old for Ariana Grande.
What’s going on in that second gif? Why are all the penises falling?
She really is very pretty. I have so far disliked every character I’ve seen her play so sometimes I irrationally dislike her, even though she seems fine in real life. I do want to see this movie though, maybe this will be a turning point for her.
Yeah, I was being dramatic and I guess anger and frustration will bring out the troll in anyone. My initial reaction was, well that’s unfortunate but what did he really expect? You shouldn't go around antagonizing wild animals. But actually being glad someone is dead and openly celebrating it seems cruel to me. I’m…
In a concert. Musician, dancer, singer? Performance artist? A part of the set?