Friday Night Lights has one too, and the head writer on Parenthood was the head writer for FNL!
Friday Night Lights has one too, and the head writer on Parenthood was the head writer for FNL!
While the US needs immigration reform, there's a vital distinction here that's being blurred: the difference between immigrants and refugees. It's also one of Canada's best areas of policy, because the rules here differentiate between who can flee to this country (we are letting you in because you cannot live safely…
I'm sure Rick Perry agrees that there's no freedom from Islam, either, and that mosques should be built wherever the community wants, right?
I grew up in Ames. I'm an immigrant. Steve King makes me sad.
He made bruschetta AND made the picnic look all fancy? I approve of this ad in a Liz Lemon way. If dudes gotta choose between looking like lazy doofuse who can't figure out how groceries/anything works with long suffering wife ladies who have to do all the things, or the ads starring chiseled dudes in picnic/kitten…
From the article:
Anyone else pissed off that this group of thousands still calls itself "One Million Moms"?
well now my panties are in a bunch too. at the bottom of my laundry basket...waiting to be washed.
I think it's more that society is becoming comfortable with displaying sexuality as a healthy, normal part of life. I wouldn't say this advert was exploitative.
The alternative is to ban all suggestions of anything sexual in advertising, as a means of 'keeping it fair'.
It is a good thing that the One Million Moms are all married to anatomically incorrect Ken dolls and therefore do not have to face the daily reality that there are penises in the world!
Seriously. Compared to some of the Hardees commercials, this is way tame.
So several decades of bikini clad women selling cars, beers and whatever aimed at the male market is no biggie, but now that hot men are being used to market items mostly purchased by women (e.g., mom does the shopping) there's a problem?
YES. THIS. I was doing some industry-related communications work for free for a nonprofit I love because, well, it's a nonprofit I love. But what I learned from the experience is that the person RECEIVING the service doesn't treat you professionally if you are not acting in a professional, paid capacity. You're just…
Well, you know, complementary colours and patterns! I bet tater tot casserole and giraffe print would look marvellous together!
I wasn't gonna go that far, but lady, you just won my heart. I'd like a large red crinoline to complement some chocolate mousse.
...Which edition of Jezebel are you reading?
So that Sandra Bullock movie was really a documentary?
Hey guys - too much trouble to credit the original photographer (me)? My original tweet: