To which, I say, with all due respect, as a Christian married to a Christian: Fuck that.
To which, I say, with all due respect, as a Christian married to a Christian: Fuck that.
And that system was not built by us. It was built by men
Yeah, that's a huge problem for me, because I see those things too. I see men bemoaning that they can't sexually harass people at work any more and that women get angry instead of complimented when they simply tell her they want to fuck her. Birth control pills are called "whore pills" even though they want sex and…
My life is a microcosm of this: I am the one with the bigger earning potential, my husband is the nurturer. I'm currently pregnant, but if he were to stay home with our kid (which I'm the first to admit, he'd be way WAY better at), he'd face shame and isolation from both men and women for that choice. There are no…
I'm with you on this one. I'd love to live in a society where I wasn't the one expected to always make the sexual advances. I'd love to live in one where I didn't have people assume I was punk/goth/gay if I wanted to wear pretty makeup and have a wider variety of shoe selections than sneaker/loafers/tie ups. I'd be…
So many guys still are too scared to unite themselves with women for fear that it will make them less manly or take away their thunder. Dudes, thunder's leaving town. And there's nothing you can do about it. So they look for other ways to be oppressed and complain — the white man's decline. After all, playing with the…
Right? And Roseanne was wrong in her criticism of Jezebel, in what way? This Paris Jackson coverage is seriously fucked up. The Amanda Bynes non-stop idiotic updates are for what purpose. I am slowly realizing that Jezebel is becoming a hate-read for me.
Breslaw, if you have a suicidal child someday, I hope you remember that you did this, and that it tears at you.
I'm glad to see that too. Jez doesn't like to edit itself, but wouldn't it be great if they responded to the backlash by deleting that part of the post?
National Suicide Hotline, US: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Melanie Haber?
You should read that gawker article from last year about the bacon/internet thing. They nailed it.
That's not a bump it, her hair is just full of secrets.
Let's all poison ourselves with sodium nitrite this Father's Day.
I am waiting for the Prancercize 5K to help injured wildlife. If that's not a thing, it should be.
I raised questions about Komen's business practices in an FB post in repsonse to an obnoxious message urging myself and all the other girls to post that we were going to a city for a certain amount of time to confuse all the men like it was some cute secret (because apparently breast cancer doesn't afflict or affect…
GOD. I am so sick of hearing every single news network characterize this as a "Result of a controversy between Komen and Planned Parenthood." NOPE. This is the result of a tone-deaf and utterly stupid decision by the Komen right-wing nutjobs. THE END. It is not Planned Parenthood's "fault." At All.
The internet's obsession with bacon has become tiresome now. I like bacon as much as the next non-vegetarian who isn't prevented from eating bacon by a religious conviction or health need - that is to say, a bit. But the internet just needs to calm down and realise that there are salamis and hams out there too.
Seriously, fuck this Bacon-everything nonsense. Bacon is not some hip cool thing, ranting about how much you love bacon or doing bacon memes is so very 2009 I can't even.