What do real women drink in San Francisco? What do fake women drink when not in San Francisco? I'm confused.
What do real women drink in San Francisco? What do fake women drink when not in San Francisco? I'm confused.
Yeah, had that shit squirted into the base of my spine 3-4 times. It is not fun. It takes a long time and the pressure of it going in is really disturbing. I feel ya.
Ugh! I've encountered similar people who just post weird things about how great their lives are now that they have kids immediately followed by self-pitying posts about having kids. Facebook seems to be a perfect place for people who a) feel the need to publicly defend their lives in passive-aggressive ways and b)…
Haha! Yeah, they could all feed off each other.
After spending a weekend at my parents' house, I saw how much one of my younger siblings (college grad living at home and doing nothing) used FB to post things about how sorry he felt for himself. I had long since blocked him on my own account because he posted 20 or more times a day, always in a weird narcissistic…
Yes. This. My husband's family are all in India, so when we go, we go for several weeks or months. On my first trip there, I scoffed at all the "don't go out of the apartment alone, don't go out without a dupatta," et cetera. Then I had my breast grabbed in the street in broad daylight. The response: "What can we do?…
Amen. I'd be embarrassed to post a Craigslist ad in that condition.
You didn't come off as ignorant—you asked a smart question. It's not a phenomenon a lot of people know about outside of the South Asian community or people who have travelled a great deal. A story about my friend sums up the problem, and the problematic reaction to it well. My friend was walking down the street in her…
Until very recently, sexual taunting and molestation of women and girls was considered perfectly normal—just something you have to deal with. It even had a cute name that downplayed the magnitude of it: it wasn't groping or harassment, it was just "eve teasing," and a part of every day life.
Fayeblanks is right. That was the point.
I don't think it's wrong to include the details of what this person looked like—it would have been disgusting no matter how the guy looked. I had a similarly terrifying situation when a creepy, and yes, elderly, relative of my husband's decided to give me some awesomely bad sex advice. It was made worse by the fact…
Didn't mean you—just "For Sweden" who claims immunity based on goyness :)
This goy was raised Catholic and is, through intensive therapy, trying to undo some of the unnecessary pain, suffering, fear, and self-hatred that Catholic guilt inflicted upon her. Let me know how you got the immunity. I will pay good money for it.
My Mom: "So, there's a new pope now, and he's a Jesuit, so you can go back to church."
Besides the first link, you can see many more of these photos are here on the photographer's site (same as the link at the bottom of the story):
My picture would have been with two stuffed dogs, a bucket of legos, and one teddy bear. Once I was a little older, it would just have been me and a real dog :)
The kids from Zanibar and Morroco look like urban middle class kids. Also, we don't know if these are all the photos (I would assume there are more—and I want to see them). I don't think it would be fair to just leave out the kids who live in rural poverty.
The great Douglas Adams put together two books of neologisms. In addition to thinks like "kettering: the marks on the back of your thighs after sitting on wicker surface," he coined the term "nokomis: a person who dresses up in someone else's ethnicity." I wish that had entered common usage, because it is so useful.
I was in a soul-sucking job seekers workshop a year or so ago. The man who ran it was always on me to smile. "You have such a pretty smile," et cetera. Part of his whole spiel was "Nobody wants to hire a depressed person." I was actually clinically depressed and being told to "perk up" and "smile more" combined with…