First manufacturer to put this in the car will become bankrupt.
First manufacturer to put this in the car will become bankrupt.
I think the hats-off award goes to the birds opening up some nuts with cars, by dropping stuff on the road and waiting for car to drive over it. I actually saw this once on my own eyes too, awesome stuff :)
I like scooters too. I plan getting one after i move my butt to spain :)
They can really wreak havoc when you least expect :)
I am currently carless, I have a bicycle now and i use taxis and public transport, since in EU public transport is not a punishment for not having a car,, but valid mode of transport in urban space :) Imma hippie wannabe too. I prolly will get a CARGO BIKE soon.
Aww. RIP. Dogs know how to appreciate technology. Cats (imma cat person) dont really give a damn, they are too self dependent to source their happy from outside. Tho mine knows how to handle closed cupboard doors. All animals do feel and know how to operate machines,, to some extent :)
Its valid polengrish. Both words and sentences. At least we know he is legit pollack :) I wish them well but i dont see my future with this lulzy country of mine.
Its polengrish word. Im pole. I know my people. Guess he kinda rushed this memo, since some other phrases look 'tired', tho its okay i guess. It remains to be seen how it will turn out for them. I for one im getting my ass out of this lulzy country :)
I live in Poland. Very little does surprise me now... That said, this car is a joke, and quite balanced combination of pompous and ugly, which is a common style in this part of EU.
yeah, its kinda sketchy. but use of thorium as 'energy amplifier' been studied quite a lot [] , so i think the mechanism he mentions has some merit. tho best of luck to them :)
I got little curious and found a totally legit site some time ago where you can mail-order some 99.5% pure thorium wire or foil for like 1000€ per 6 gram or something :) they were doing laboratory supplies. i for one would have no idea whatsoever what to do with it except putting it in microwave oven for some…
as far as i know he is developing a thorium based laser, the lasery substance being the fission material itself. thorium supposedly when heated generates heat-spikes due to heightened rate of fission. or so i understand the process at glance, so i think the peace thorium isotopes could be used. i dont think anyone…
Umm... but you CAN upgrade the power source. To the NUCLEAR!!!1111eleven
From what i know, thorium shines mostly alpha waves and veeeeery veeeery little gamma ones. you can mail order it... and there are throium coated welding rods on ebay... so using thorium as a dirty bomb is kinda strange idea, since at most you will spread dust of alpha emmiting radiation, which has trouble going…
The question is why we dont drive Thorium cars:
actually there are quite viable nuke solutions, but they are using peace-fission materials, that one can not weaponise, so the research is cut to those...
There was a time in the 90's in yurop, where LPG (or CNG like you mericans like to call it) was outside of the overall scope of the MAN. People were converting their cars scooters and honkatoys to the LPG, and got double or more mileage per €/$ .
I dunno... I think getting around ebay or local ads is worth it more even if it wont be much of a deal. I seen recently few nice Seat Cordobas for around 2k€, unhooned, mostly from a woman drivers.