
You know how frustrating it is to read the people like magus responding to you? Because ripped giant men aren't sexualized? How many women out there would honestly deny it isn't a fantasy of theirs to be taken by that musclehead with the 6 pack abs. In addition, it's a farce to say that women don't want to be leggy,

It was better when games "made you violent", this whole "over-sexualizing" bullshit needs to end, who honestly gives a shit if your character is a beefy dude with huge arms or a woman with a perfect body showing lots of skin, it's a game.

In Japan it is a law that everything must have an adorable mascot.

oh wow Goodwins law... a good play, though fruitless. GG has always been about ethics in journalism. The only people who called it sexist at the start were those who GG was EXPLICITLY CALLING OUT FOR UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR

Nope. Just corrupt journalists. Gender isn't important.

Shouldn't we be aren't worried that they went missing in the first place?

so if the majority of the movement is strongly against harassment, then the movement is about harassment because a couple of people decided to say mean things about a couple of women?

A big chunk of how they're coming off has to do with the way the media portrays it. Kotaku portrays Gamergate much in the same way FOX News portrays Muslims living in the middle east.

Why twist this to mean anything other than what he said. He specifically said a "Small group of people" and last time I checked GamerGate was hardly small at this point. It seems to be obvious to me that he was condemning the people who are causing the continued harassment of women. Actually at this point I don't

My take on the whole situation is like this:

Kind of off topic-ish, but...

No Yannick LeJacq. He was talking about the rampant harassment coming from both sides. But you know, clickbait.

Did you ever stop to think that he may have not said gamergame because he doesn't commit the fallacy of conflating harrasment and gamergate

He's also known for not taking stupid questions seriously (hence the penis answer). "Scarlett Johansson has never had her own superhero movie. Would you call yourself a feminist?" is garbled nonsense, despite hinting at something that would count as an actual useful question.

Or he's not taking any of this nonsense seriously. Should he, really?