
But Luke! How would Sony and MS then be able to sell you the Super Ultra HD Remakes of all your favorite games in full 60 FPS 1080p glory*?

You have that right, search, "percent of population that has less than $1000 of assets". One hit says, "64% of Americans have less than $1,000 in the bank". Move that number to $100,000 (which wll only generate $4 or $5 thousand at retirement) and the pecentage increases to over 3/4 of Americans.

Normally when a game has this kind of thing; specifically that there are unfinished areas locked off meant to be part of DLC later, not finished DLC that's locked off and on the disc, I'm usually forgiving, because the base game feels complete enough. However, since this is Destiny, I am not willing to defend the

Isn't this supposed to be a 10 year game? I wonder how much of that 10 year plan is on the disc.

Huell already knows why.

Most of us aren't making enough to save anything for retirement - got to pay off those student loans first!


what the fuck ubisoft

This is gold.

Did you like, miss the part where they're literally just pictures of Campbell's soup cans? I think its kind of a stretch to call that "art."

I'd support it as art, but this sounds like someone just running a weird little business without thinking about copyright.

Exactly, that's why I think it's good she gets more media spotlight. More people will realize how flawed her arguments are and how weakly supported by the examples she gives. And with gems like these:

If it couldn't get media attention, then the developers need to find a better way to get media to pay attention to it. They have to fight the same battles as every other indie developer across any platform trying to get their game funded/sold. They have the fight the same battle as every mobile app dev that has to

Agreed. There's a powerful community on Steam, but the problem is you need to make a good game to get up-votes.

"Many of them have been caught in the cogs of the Greenlight machine for months, with no sign of movement. "

Some people might argue Greenlight is doing exactly is what it's supposed to be doing.

99% of indie is crap.