
Or... this entire time, the developers have been big-brothering everyone and will adapt the future gameplay to how players respond to small changes, like the sudden appearance of actual aliens, and now the hostility that’s invoked based on proximity. Likely, there’s something the “gotta kill ‘em all” are missing that

The player was working fine till you mentioned “glitch,” then it started freaking out, stuttering, frame-dropping...

I probably won’t be able to confirm it by that date, as I’ll be moving that weekend and likely not have internet yet.

I stopped going altogether when they stopped carrying the sauce. One day of (possibly, but extremely unlikely because anything that isn’t a major metropolitan area or larger is considered little more than a speck of dust marring the corporate money map) bringing it back will not count as a justifiable compensation for

So back to RDR but with even more immoral choices.
Does that mean I get to shoot-up a saloon full of dancers?

Oh that’s good, you don’t know how annoying it is to hear automatic gunfire five miles up the road for ten-plus hours a day, echoing around the yard, or the shotguns fired less than half a mile away all of hunting season.

As far as the shinigami part, they could have just called Ryuk’s “race” ‘reapers’ and still had the same effect. It would have had a broader entry spectrum, but also would have pissed-off lots of people who really, really like DN and want it to maintain as many ties as it can to the original.

Why does everything default to earbuds now?

Now playing

Please. We all know it’s “Roshi, the Turtle Hermit’s” Kamehameha, not Goku’s.

Not quite. Some are also pentagonal.

Years ago, it used to be a universal rule (that everyone ignored because rules) that you were to delete any roms you download one to three days later, because they were illegal to have then and still are now.

What do you store in your basement pantry?

Some drive-ins, at least the one here, have places for people to watch without bringing a car, and still have the external speaker you used to park next to.

We regret to inform you that November has disappeared.
In compensation, here is a shiny new lenny.

Drag one through Georgia: Coca-Cola with chocolate syrup

10-1, Krump is planning to fake his own death so his family can get his money without fees, and insurance claims. Then they’ll hold a “private” funeral with al his closest circle-jerkers, gather around an empty coffin filled with everything that could possibly be good for people that aren’t in the 10-and-up club, and

They’d also add a $500 non-refundable credit for non-child dependents and repeal the estate tax and generation-skipping transfer tax, which affects beneficiaries who receive gifts or inheritance.

It took a few decades, but the country’s sure going to hell, alright.

This is useful for more than just building a fallout shelter. Remember, you can also use it to keep your grandkids fresh, house your guests, hide your in-laws, develop your now-defunct film, prevent accidental trips to Oz...