You... realize that furries is just a generic term for people in mascot costumes and includes people who wear reptile-based costumes, too?
You... realize that furries is just a generic term for people in mascot costumes and includes people who wear reptile-based costumes, too?
It was more comfortable as long as the game didn’t rely on motions. You could leave your hands at your sides instead of holding a block between both.
Been there, done it, realized how horrible it was and never went back.
Amazon’s not the only one selling at $40. So is Walmart, and if you look through third parties on Amazon, you can find it for nearly $30.
Amazon’s not the only one selling at $40. So is Walmart, and if you look through third parties on Amazon, you can…
So they took a bit of Sonic CD and Sonic 2 and put a debug mode and level select in, but couldn’t stay true to either and make you work for it and instead give you a heavily simplified version. Does it even have a sound test mode to do them in the first place?
Usually, I’m dead quiet on hold outside of when someone else doesn’t know how to shut the fuck up when someone’s on the phone and starts ranting and throwing a massive middle-aged hissyfit. She also does that whenever she’s on the phone with someone, quick to start a tantrum and start swearing and yelling and throwing…
That happened to me the last time I was “put on hold.” A company called me about... maybe a job interview? I couldn’t tell, there was all kinds of yelling and shouting in the background and it took two minutes for the person who made the call to realize they were in a call and asked me to “hold for a moment,” put the…
Tuttut, they’re deus ex megane for cats that work purely on the mental pulses from felines, which is why she wears them on her head rather than over her eyes. Cats don’t have fingers, nor dexterity, to operate tiny little buttons on cat-sized glasses, thus they work via MINDPOWAHS. But only for cats.
Deus ex megane (glasses)
If only it worked in phonecalls. My grandma’s “goodbyes” last a half hour. Or seven. A few times the phone mysteriously disconnected itself and no one really questioned anything or brought it up.
That was a rather interesting mechanic idea, to make those elemental shields actually relevant: fire shield can burn things in addition to making you immune to the effect. I don’t think there was ever a reason to use a fire shield outside of 3's first mid and stage bosses, whatever (non 1) stage had the lava field…
My mom used to work for a company that largely manufactured honey and variants of it. While it was all the same exact honey in most every bottle (some were “organic”), they shipped under some twenty different labels, including Trader Joe. Several of the brands had a disclaimer somewhere on the bottle (usually around…
They’re trying to announce that they’re dicks. Figurative dicks, not literal, but are having difficulty getting that across without flashing pictures.
The body gets time-off?
A mixture of shooting zombies, radioactive zombies and semi-sentient zombies that curse like a twelve year old trying to impersonate a sailor.
Yes, have a cute Momonga-sama.
The art, style and movement are all reminiscent of the CD opening. Then again, Tails and Knuckles weren’t around for that, so how Knuckles fits into the style is a toss-up, but Tails had a showing in another, similar styled animation. I think the Sonic movie used the style, and had all three of them.
So after years, they finally started to follow my example. If you can’t do the work in school, apart from writing because everything needs to be typed and specially formatted to meet specifications and you rarely get the chance to touch a computer in school, then it isn’t worth doing at all.
“Sorry, Gary, but your pipboy was take from Gary forcefully. We had to take his arm off to get it. He got it from Gary, who took it from Gary after Gary stole it from Gary when Gary was stabbing Gary with Gary’s femur.”
“Sorry, Gary, but your pipboy was take from Gary forcefully. We had to take his arm off to get it. He got it from…
Sorry, but we only accept Nuka Cola caps. We don’t want none’a this ‘kook-a-cola’ or whatever it is you’re trying to peddle.