
What free advertising? If people decide to just watch someone do a playthrough of the game instead of buying it themselves because now everything’s spoiled and if they want to go see another scene all over again, they just go online, doesn’t that actually eat into their profits, especially since the cost of the DLC is

What good does that do if you pretty much lose once they’re close enough to really see anything? If it were more like Senran Kagura, or they at least make the tentacle scene 3D and animated. I’m more worried they’d do a cop-out and replace all the 2D VN scenes with lightly-animated polys.

My last job, we went through about 120-180 people in one year, across the entire plant and shifts. That dropped to about 40 for all of last year when they started being more involved with the hiring process and completely eliminated staffing. They also implemented a reward program based on referring people who already

I can attest to how often they don’t. My first job had me listed as a lowly floor lacky, yet I was the department manager.

“If I’m going down, I’m taking all of you with me! Oh! My shows are on! *POOF*”

If you wanna collect ‘em all, they release upwards of seven sets of outfits which are sold per character, in themed sets, and as a season pass. So far, they’re up to around seven season passes, each around $95, and each has one small bonus that you can’t get otherwise.

As far as the PS4 version, it’s had those DLC, as well as one that makes all girls flat as a cutting board (which you buy with REAL monies the ability to then buy a cutting board in the game with GAME monies). I don’t remember if the PS4 version is that expensive, but I do know it’s got better reviews than the steam

I can say that I have never found a decent comparison, because my title is always classed incorrectly, causing it to be compared to completely unrelated fields. For years, I’ve been compared to maintenance worker, line layer, carpenter, building attendant, security guard, SANDWICH MAKER... But absolutely none of them

In all the years I’ve used Glassdoor, I have yet to find a comparable salary range for Senior Executive Pigmentation Application Specialist.

If your arm is itchy, can you scratch your evil twin’s arm to relieve it?

Another thing they show is the players walking in and docking the system. Does this mean that the portable screen will function similar to the way the Wii controller could be used to store Miis to visit other systems? Is the portable screen really the main hub portion behind the whole system and the dock merely

But does it get portable online capabilities?
What kinda battery life are we looking at?
And how are the graphics compared to other systems, since that video was more than likely simulated video.

You call it “potential energy,” but how much potential energy does a standard playing card have that would allow it to blow a wall wide open? Unless he’s able to compound that energy, a standard playing card wouldn’t have nearly the destructive impact.

Trump confirmed for horror show.

Come join the Japanese Military!
We have waifus!

I can’t help but feel like I’ve seen the idea before, but the only thing that comes to mind is vault 112 which isn’t really similar.

Yea, lucky that I only spent $20 on a $50 pair of wireless headphones that looked and felt like they weren’t worth the $20 and started falling apart in a year and stopped working because the wire between the ear pieces frayed-out due to it’s folding design stressing the thing. Or that it made a few random phone calls

I’m still ticked they made zombie characters available as avatars, but yet wouldn’t allow you to ride through open world western gunfights on War, Pestilence, Famine or a Unicorn. Nothing would strike fear into those trying to shoot you dead for no reason other than you exist in a game that allows PKs more than a

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