
I can tell you now that that is straight-up bullshit, because I had a cheap pair of bluetooth headphones I got two years ago that worked with it and the PS3. I also had a much older earpiece that also worked with both.

So what even is the story this time, to pit multiple iterations of characterizations of the same console against each other this time... Especially when one wants to alter history so that there’s no argument in superiority, thus making it pointless to even have more than one system in the first place.

The PS4 does that just fine. You just gotta go into the settings and change it from directing just the chat audio to the headset, to all audio. And at that point, you don’t need to mute the tv unless you expect to start walking away and forget to take the headset off.

So I’m guessing this starts-out with someone trying to dig-up John’s body, only to find it’s already gone. The player tries asking around, but no one’s seen anything, not even that green guy that’s always moaning and groaning and looks like he just crawled out of the mud pit in a bullfight and smells ten times worse

When FlipFlap’s first episode started, I watching and waiting to see Bones or Trigger were behind this, but I’m surprised they aren’t. However, it does remind me of the much unloved Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou that was left to the side due to heavy comparisons and allegations that it was just a Madoka rip-off.

The best time I’ve had on Overwatch so far was when we all suddenly decided to play the same character each match. And then when someone changed out, we’d hate on them till they followed the rule of the same.

Some positions never end, despite taking on a new title and responsibilities. I started as a process tech 1, then became a painter 1, painter 2 and then senior executive pigmentation application specialist, then process tech 2. That last one made no sense because it was already a lower position than painter 2.

Red Dead Renovations: Turn that old farmstead into a rich, luxurious home your neighbors seven miles down the road will be envious of!

If they’ll allow it, you can wear a hat and hide it. Some places make it an optional part of the uniform. My last job made anyone with hair to their shoulder tie it up, but I wore a full hood that has a headpiece like that of a hard hat, and that shit would grab my hair or wouldn’t fit over my hair tied-up, and there

Then where does viking peach fuzz fit in, because I’ve seen quite a few teen viking-wanna-bes in managerial positions. Not high managerial, but still managing entire shifts.

The correct answer is: You do not have enough. Get more. Get more NOW, because screw little Billy down the street, or little Susie next door, or that adorable little Jimmy that’s been mowing your yard for you for sixty years and has yet to age past seven. Forget all of them!

I’ll take the $9. I’ve only ever had one can of redbull, and I didn’t even buy it, but it was enough for me to claim on their settlement and get enough for a can of something I would drink. Just think of all the small stuff I can buy with $9 that isn’t gonna be bound to a PSN account like the last two settlement

That last one was the best, with Reaper actually letting Ana off for giving him candy.

GrandAna Candy’s canon. Now we can all give D.Va old lady bonbons.

And the probability of the G1s you get in HG/SS are just as abysmal.

Now playing

Most depressing moments? I don’t see Kamina anywhere.

If they don’t increase the possibility of getting a female starter from 15%, we’re gonna end up with a lot of manly seals in tights.

It almost looked like CG or an animatronic, till his reaction at the check-proportionate-to-his-body.

Not every human on the planet can have hands big enough to cover their entire head.

That header seems to imply their “divorce” was the more unethical method that involved a bottle of cyanide.