She seems hungry.
She seems hungry.
They’ve also brought the “friend was last on __” over from PS3 finally. Now I can clean-up my friendlist of strangers who haven’t been on in four years. They’ve added a tier icon showing how rare it’s been for someone to acquire a trophy. Communities was made into it’s own section, divided from the friends list, and…
I’ve actually used my old ipod touch as a magnifier before, over four years ago. The viable applications might be broader with the camera improvements since then. It’s also more helpful since adding the flash to light-up what you’re looking at.
Now how do we bring back the ability to delete mail without having to open the app, or get the dropdown to bring up the widgets and not default back to the notifications, or restore the hit area to get rid of notification banners?
Given the end results of the other games, the ending to Minerva’s Den feels very predictable, to the point where I knew who your character was as soon as you started giving names.
I’d been meaning to look up where Shenandoah was ever since that last Lassie movie came out.
Either the whores, one of his male fangirls, or maybe the professor knew how much of a lost cause he’d be if he were left on foot and hired them.
If a chauffeur drives you around in a limo, does that make it yours?
If a taxi drives you around, does that make it yours?
If a candidate for homecoming queen is riding in a convertible down the street, does that make it hers?
Needs to be set to the minor chords, and then drop the pitch like six octaves. Or set it more randomly like the skullkid.
Except for Ragnarok, because only girls are allowed to dance, and only guys are allowed to make music.
Depends on which Team you’re talking about, because not everyone proclaims they’re against evil and wrongdoing every time someone finds them.
Dark types didn’t exist back then. The only types strong against psychic were ghosts and (the little known) bugs. The problem, in game mechanics, is that there was only one actual ghost type attack and all ghosts were part poison, so they were actually vulnerable to psychic types.
Gary didn’t have a car. He had an entourage. A group of sluts that hung on him so they could try to live off his expectant fame and money and never do anything in their life. Gary never walked further than from the gym door to the challenger’s stand until the end where he blew-off all the whores and the car, decided…
The mew/mewtwo thing was the climax of the very first movie, like no movie ever was.
Even most current mobile games still do that. They don’t give you the option of whether to be addressed as anything or even what generic noun to use when addressing you. Everything is just males, and rarely do you even see the PC.
The older games for handhelds, long ago, didn’t have the obstinate saving. You could save anywhere except in battles. I think it was either the GBA or GBC. I remember going through to the point I was unable to find where I needed to go and just cleared everything that was available, up to one boss that was way…
No, because I only remember it being higher than listening to the lvl 40 badge. I had to get two or three more before it’d stop fucking itself over.
He doesn’t actually admit it outright, but he admits that he won in a fair fight and that he himself still has things to learn so that he can become like Ash and not treat his pokemon like weapons.
You mean the scene in the old mansion where Ash was crushed under a chandelier and his ghost went around the secret rooms with HAUNTER, or the time he threw himself between Mew and Mewtwo’s attacks and the tears of all the clone and non-clone pokemon (except mew and mewtwo because fuck emotions) brought him back to…