
Ah, the unresponsive traded pokemon.

Well, it did take him a while to actually get to the first elite four, what with all the side quests, the first encounters with Team Rockets, pokenappings, ships sinking, Ash dying...

That’s what Gary decided to do once he recognized Ash as being better than him. He decided to go train to become another Professor Oak.

Ash Jr should have a Pichu or something that could be spawned between Pikachu and the main of his girl-of-choice. Although we all know Ash and Brock will grow old together, because Ash is the ditto of the trainerverse.

Ash went to a school that was designed to teach what a Jigglypuff looks like from above way back in the first season.

We do, actually, have a black cat that’s been wandering around every few days. We live right on the edge of 80+ acres of woodland with a bog not too far in and quite a bit of logging having gone on, a rolling field beyond the woods with rodent holes, and then a largely untouched forest past that. The snakes we have

Exactly. Who could possibly hate on Okarin? Those who love Dr Pepper are never bad.

Sounds like some naughty sims need to be punished.

The pump station’s in a cement hut with steel doors. There is a rabbit burrow nearby and a few snakes, moles, voles and chipmunks, but we’re not connected in any way. It’s also at the far end of the yard. There are about 20" PVC vents with screens protruding about three feet off the ground, and you can smell sewage if

Blocking of objects used for sex to avoid other sims using them

So he got a Mercy radiation poison healing, even though he was on the other team.

I know people would in games like Overwatch or Battleborn where you can immobilize the other person for a bit. Ana’s sleepdart in particular seems like it would be a great time for it with how long it lasts and the other player’s camera.

My room is actually in the attic with two bump-outs for the only source of natural light and air flow, so unless they’re “cleaned up” quickly, they’ll make my room smell worse than the mice being alive.

Well, it’s always been my way to give f2p and betas a chance since people can still be unsocial jerks whether you put money in the slot or not.

Since when is Roadhog a Fallout raider?

We recently moved into a house that apparently turned up mice and supposedly a rat, and more recently, we’ve learned from the previous owner (it was a foreclosure and the guy was more of a realtor and landlord who started selling properties to save himself when the economy went south) that there’s a history of mice.

I misread the title as “Guy tries to BUY Battlefield 1 with voice commands,” and expected an outcome with him getting dozens of games totalling over $200 that may or may not even have a relevance to it, and little to no refund.

Well, it was a beta, so there were probably a lot of restrictions on what was possible to begin with.

Too bad god’s been replaced with a Russian underworld boss that tells you to steal from the motherland and undermine society’s attempt to recover after it’s been engulfed in the Void.

That’s what it felt like to me, yet I still pushed myself to keep playing through the beta till it’s end. I think the midground would be to find a “town” that isn’t very populated, but also isn’t a ghost town. The fewer the people, the more you can do, but too little, and you’re doing everything and getting nowhere.