I mean, check out that side-eye!
I mean, check out that side-eye!
African American English is DAMN complicated and is just as fine as "Proper English" whatever the f—- that is
I'm sure the prosecution was monitoring her closely, but there's only so much control they can have over her. She clearly didn't want to testify in the first place. They probably waited until the night before to delete those tweets because they were afraid that if they demanded too much of her too early, she would…
Why pay for "media" training when she's not here for the media. She's there for the 12 people sitting in that jury box and that is it. The rest of y'all can get over it! The world is not deciding if she's a credible witness and therefore deciding Zimmerman's fate. 12 people are.
This is the most press Bubblicious gum has gotten in years.
So what exactly do you think we need to "talk about" regarding her haircut?
WTF? Straight women aren't allowed to have short hair now? Fuck off with that nonsense.
The difference is that "getting blacked out" shouldn't be a "high risk situation."
I would honestly be shocked if he doesn't abuse her.
I didn't think I could hate Joe Francis more than I already do, but then I watched this video. At least he's (hopefully) going to prison soon. What a miserable piece of shit.
"Sluts have better stories."
And tell them that you have a friend who has sexually assaulted women in your presence but you didn't report it to the police.
Lindy's boyfriend sent threatening DMs to the guy on Twitter.
You're way off base here. Take this story from today:
I guess I see teen pregnancy and being a single mom as just as stigmatizing.
No, the reason he didn't "fight her off" is the fact that blowjobs from attractive women feel great.
He fucked the woman after the show. Wipe your tears, Danny doesn't need them.