
Wow, you do get around!

Warren Beatty too

You wrote "our investment paid off with scholarships".

You could have saved a lot of that sports money and put it towards tuition, particularly if a major reason for developing athletic skills was to get them into college anyway.

I think the university she was speaking at gave her a heads-up about Canadian laws around hate speech and she bailed.

He was compelling as an athlete, so some people will still be interested.

And he left the "ruined" girls back at the brothel.

The colours! It's like a bowl of jelly beans!

A big flaw is that Amy's criminal mastermind suddenly shuts down when she is at that Ozark lodge place, where she gets ripped off by the trashy couple. She made so many dumb mistakes there, but only there. That's not believable, along with all the other problems.

The rule exists to avoid rudeness. I.e. if you accept the first invitation, but then get another that you find more appealling and cancel the first, you are essentially telling the first inviter that they/their invitation ranked lower, and that is considered rude.

Also, I'd guess that we never evolved to understand/assess the threat level of vibrations etc from things like trains, planes, etc. Natural equivalents would be like avalanches, earthquakes, etc, in terms of what we can process, and all we really process is: get the fuck out!

Uh, what is this "I had my last one"? AFAIK, she has only given birth to one child.

Any health care person would say that you should *only* *ever* take drugs that were prescribed for *you*. So taking them just because a celebrity hands them to you really is stupid and it's very disturbing that so many women did it. That anyone does it.

It's orders of magnitude worse for Aboriginal women.

She's a cop too, apparently.


Oh it's loud. How considerate of you.

Actually the union is the Canadian Media Guild.

That was Jian Ghomeshi's strategy. It didn't work for him.

Lots of people didn't believe about Jian Ghomeshi until a man came forward with his own allegations.