
Yes, it's not just someone who takes a lot of selfies. It's a sick, deeply abusive person.

That doesn't make any sense. Australia has no reason to allow in two non-citizens, one of whom has a bunch of convictions for serious crimes.

I wonder what led to them settling in Australia, why the Australian government let in a convicted sex offender.

Yikes, that really is a weak FiL.

I've had a couple friends like that. Ugh. At least one of them has procreated and I'm certain she is doing a number on her kids.

There is a lot of overlap between the two.

Right, and some narcissists have no idea they are narcissists. So there's that kettle of fish.

I mean the bit about openly admitting to being narcissists if simply asked.

I'm white and even I can't take it.

Yes. I thought he was some kind of horn player though. Oh well.

Not buying it. Maybe this works for narcissists who know they're narcissists and do not see a downside in being seen that way. But lots of narcissists know they've got to be selective about when to be really nasty and with whom, in order to maintain a facade of niceness among others. They are very calculating that

Oh no.

That doesn't sound like a good time! I love the idea of a wedding venue with a rustic setting and theme and yadda, but not an actual barn on working farm, for all the reasons you mention.

No, I mean it's not the situation you describe of an off-the-beaten path undeveloped place gradually becoming more developed over decades (and even when that happens, there are various stages at which the residents can oppose or mitigate it).

Sure, but that is not the situation here.

The concept of peaceful enjoyment of one's property goes back centuries, if not longer, and even urban residents have a right to it. That's why you can't put a bar or nightclub or auto body shop just anywhere, even in a city. And no one moves out to the country expecting to hear wedding receptions clanging away on

But subjecting your rural neighbours to increased traffic and noise every summer weekend is OK?

Wow, that was almost all therapy-speak.

Hmmm.... what about getting the Fire Marshal after them? Health Inspector? These barns were not built with adequate kitchens, restrooms, points of egress and various bits of safety equipment for holding 200-seat receptions. There have got to be violations.

That all sounds DELICIOUS, especially the olive oil one. Hmmmm....I know how to make pretty good pita... must track down a good hummus recipe.