Even more companies rake in billions of dollars in revenue while the people who generate the money have paltry fixed salaries compared to what they produce. Some are lucky to get a bonus which is a micro-fraction of the profits generated.
Even more companies rake in billions of dollars in revenue while the people who generate the money have paltry fixed salaries compared to what they produce. Some are lucky to get a bonus which is a micro-fraction of the profits generated.
DraftKings maybe?
Black folks make fun of white people’s names too.
I wouldn’t say we have accepted it. Various government entities are the ones making the distinction between game of chance and games of skill, and how they come to these conclusions are not altruistic decisions. If DFS is a skill, then surely putting a 3 team parlay together is one too. Not to mention the skill…
The NFL has been growing for the past 30 years. Revenue has been increasing every year. What fantasy football has done is help the league bring more women to the sport. With that said, the NFL would still be the top sport in America without fantasy football.
Excellent job! Reading this makes me sick. The lack of morality and ethical integrity in our nation’s capitol, and state capitols for that matter, is embarrassing especially how our leaders position us as the beacon of truth and justice.
Agreed. When they push to pay, I tell them to take care of the tip. That lets them leave with contributing something.
While reading this story, all I could think about was Dave Chappelle’s Black Gallagher ending, “I got warrants!”
“You can’t turn shit into sugar.” — an old inner-city proverb
Man, life was easier when you had to fax/mail a cover letter and resume. Having a human look over your application beats a computer any day.
Hell, it’s not like the company is being completely honest about work conditions, job expectations and company culture. I’ve had a few jobs where I knew on the first day, they fed me a trough of bullshit.
Just a word of caution from a former supervisor of such service. Most of the people taking these calls are not that sharp. I will say that they really do care about solving your issue, so they will put effort into it but you could do the same and get better results. With sold out tickets, they use the secondary market…
The concierge number is typically on the back of the card b
Who the fuck has the time and/or memory needed to uncover these exploits?
Great post. That’s what’s so magical about falling in love with sports as a child. Most of us become fans of guys most people have forgotten about. Anyone can love watching a superstar play, but it takes serious fandom to enjoy the guys on the lower rungs.
Doubt it. His shit bent the wrong way when he landed.
The screams were him losing his check to Sidney Dean.
Shoot, they should have called me. My old man is a television repairman. He has an ultimate set of tools. I think I could have fixed it.
Yeah, like dressing up and parading around town as a fictional character is the epitome of fun.
Remember you said this. Dude gravy trained a weak MWC with players he didn’t recruit to a 10 win season, and a ticket out of FarmVille. The previous guy had to fuck with TCU, Utah, BSU and BYU. I’m sure Saban can’t wait to do to him what Zed did to Marcellus Wallace. those Florida boys are going to run him ragged.