
Gender affirmation/assignment is just gay conversion therapy wearing a shiny new hat. Good for JK Rowling and the people who support her.

All Splinter served to do was show people how out-of-touch from reality its bloggers were. It was not a political blog site, it was a liberal diarrhea portal and conservative-bashing platform where most arguments in favor of any particular point had a foothold on how somebody felt emotionally, but no basis in logic or

But they’re not reporting on comedy, they’re reporting on Pete Davidson

The goal is open borders and a complete subversion of America by global interests including, but not limited to, global corporations... silently. This has been going on for decades at a measured pace. They understand that you can only boil a frog slowly, so that’s what they’ve been doing. This means they can’t call

You mean the writers of this site?

I hope so, but I seriously doubt it. Lucha Underground does it so damn well, I love watching Taya superkick the taste out of Marty the Moth’s mouth.

You spelled “I deliberately ignore the overwhelming facts in the hopes that nobody reading this realizes I’m an ignorant hack and hasn’t seen the real story.”

I’ll go one further and say that starting an article with “The Hobbit movies are bad, by any stretch of the imagination" shows that The A.V. Club is a long way from the pop culture journalism it used to be and is nearly complete in its devolution into a series of personal clickbait blogs. 

All the worst Jezebeckies and the chaff from the AV Club and the rest of the Univision sites converged and now we’ve got a shit stew goin’.

Anyone who doubts Vince will continue to push the XFL into existence despite growing apathy towards it has obviously not watched the last 3 years of Roman Reigns’ career.

This wouldn’t have happened if he had been SAWFT

So you wrote an article to complain that Republicans used polite accurate words to describe ‘Dreamers’? They are unlawful immigrants and non-citizens, by definition.

1. Give us more original action franchises.

Do you girls have a contest to see who can get maddest about the stupidest shit on the internet?

Childish at best - asinine at worst.

The main event was great, the rest was pretty awfully booked. The jump from Aerostar was a bit more impressive than Shane’s, both because it was higher and because someone had to catch him. He wasn’t just landing on a platform made to catch him. Not that Shane’s wasn’t impressive, just that this was moreso.

On the other hand...fuck Univision.

Get out

you’re just a regular douche

you’re just a regular douche