
The amount of plugging Cats as some kind of soon-to-be “cult” film on this site really hints at something.

Uh, a simple goog will show you how wrong you are on that.

Nah, fuck him.

Possibly because this show far seems incapable of actually generating any humor to laugh at.

Possibly because SE is actually written, instead of a bunch of cliched boxes that need to be checked off every episode.

Veronica commenting on another character’s privilege almost made water spray out of my nose.

And I closed it right back up again

Yes, it’s RJ

Yea, it was dull and the villains just awful.

Succinct. I like it.

Three left of the FIRST HALF of the final season, FYI

Sim is just fucking transcendent in that movie

You’re right. He’s not the world’s most irritating guitarist. He’s the Universe’s most irritating guitarist.

Something I did after I got out of bed this morning. Wasn’t a wet one though.

Yeah, I’ll take this over another season of MST3K with Jonah on it any time, any place.

How about ANY song without the Ox and Moonie?

so, removing the Dowd filter, this is probably a B+ or A-.

I miss this comic beyond words.

Nah, not worth it. I saw it in the theatre as well and went back again and again. Hoping.

No, it IS amazingly meh. Which is standard for all these CW soops shows.