If you find one, let me know. I’m in the same damn boat.
oh jesus fucking christ
I wish my computer could have blocked the entire article.
Do you have any idea the man hours of programming Univision had to do to get that just right?
It’s truly hard to find words on what a shitshow this site has become post-Gawkerization.
But then you watch her in a Chucky movie and say to yourself “where is THAT Fiona Dourif?!”
Nah, you don’t regret it.
Ain’t much of a anti-homeless robot if it isn’t even armed with flamethrowers and acid spray.
Please get rid of Jonah.
Ditto. Nothing I’ve tried works.
Hell, I’d make a Squeaky and a Susan donut as well.
The Canadian Destroyer.
To describe this review? That’s going a bit too far.
Well, I have no idea if this movie is good or not, but this review sure was a bunch of words.
The LA Times article has been torn apart by several papers including Orange Counties and shown to be pretty much a hit piece for what it’s worth.
There were two. First one was him with tigers, the second was him overlooking a dark sea, or somesuch.