Plaatsvervangende Schaamte

Hank 2 makes Hank 3 look like Hank 1.

hell yeah......that’s why i watch sportscenter......standings...i fuckin love to wait 20 minutes to see a static image of something i can also find by googling “baswba;; standibgs” while on the treadmill without breaking stride

Well...he kinda looks like the illegitimate child of Ted Cruz and a blobfish,so...there’s that?

Speaking of GOPs, Tennessee’s tweeted a photo of the Cleveland Cavaliers 2016 victory parade to show how big the crowds were in Arizona:

You are welcome to eat my nuts. I have equity here since my ancestors built this country. You can pack your crusty ass up & GTFOH & go back where your disease ridden ancestors came from. Okay spanky?

If the Browns start feeling the pressure, they can just release DeValve

With a face like that you can buy beer underage. With a personality like that, no one will drink it with you.

Meh. Rovell tweeted the same thing on 9/11/01.

Trans kids don’t get surgery. Trans teens get puberty blockers to keep them from undergoing the irreversible effects of puberty until they are old enough to make a firm decision, but surgery and hormones are not on the table.

Then I’m confused what you’re trying to do here. It really sounds like some of the “teach the controversy” stuff that people use when talking about Creationism.

What’s the alternative, though? Wait until the child is well past puberty? Force them into harmful reparative therapy?

Okay folks so I *know* it’s gonna come up and I’ll just try to get ahead of it here:

It has to be the latter, for a couple reasons:

What. The. Fuck.

“They kidnap. They extort. They rape and they rob. They stomp on their victims,” he said. “They beat them with clubs, they slash them with machetes, and they stab them with knives. They have transformed peaceful parks and beautiful quiet neighborhoods into bloodstained killing fields. They’re animals.”

For all of Trump’s tough-guy rhetoric, if he was ever in a fist fight, he’d fold faster than Superman on laundry day.

We won. We kept the ACA intact. We did it by working with some people who are assholes.

Oh fachrissakes, FUCK YOUR PURITY TESTS.