Plaatsvervangende Schaamte

Hire a copy editor.

Hawaii being criticized for not knowing what it’s like to be attacked:

Devil’s Devil’s Advocate: State passes anti-trans law. Mr. Steiner still lies and says he’s a trans man (and is therefore legally forced to use the women’s restroom). The crime still happens.

I’d like to point out - because this always matters when it comes to comparisons with previous or current fascist regimes in other parts of the world - that we look at the Nazis from a historical perspective. The full twelve and a half years. The Holocaust. The total warfare in Eastern Europe.

It’s probably all Olivia Munn’s fault, somehow

When I saw the tied up woman I assumed it was Baylor.

They are the very definition of cutting off their nose to spite their face.

Reading is fundamental. here’s four references to Vicodin on just one page. There are dozens more.

2017 - 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6
2018 - 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7
2019 - Half-Life 3!!!!

the best part about the cleveland browns is we all eventually die

Ah... the old “intellectual diversity” scam.

To be fair, this guy clearly cares a LOT about family.

It’s amazing to me that you blame President Obama for all of this.

As opposed to waiting until he falls asleep? What the hell is going with you Millennials?

Who muted their criticism? All the Progressives © I know were LOUDLY criticizing Clinton for being a shitty candidate and every response that tried to offset that was met with “How DARE you try to tell me that I can’t have an honest discussion about this?” Meanwhile, many Clinton supporters shut the fuck up because we

At Monday’s meeting, tension in the community surfaced even before the meeting was called to order when a group of about two-dozen Muslim men gathered in the front corner of the room for the Islamic evening prayer of Maghrib. Across the auditorium, several Bayonne residents opposed to the proposed mosque broke into a

Dear Jefferson Beuragard Sessions III- if you want to understand what’s so wrong with what you did, just think about how you would feel if Hillary Clinton did it.

Because you feel like by using your platform to say something, maybe you can help affect change? Do you like every single thing about your job? If not, why don’t you quit?